The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 35

35:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

35:2O son of man, turn your face against mount Seir, and prophesy unto it!

35:3And say to it! Thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I am against you mount Seir, and I will stretch out my hand against you, and I will make you into a wilderness, and you shall be made desolate.

35:4And I will make your cities desolate, and you will be a wilderness, and you shall know that I am the lord.

35:5Because you became an eternal enemy, and sat in place against the house of Israel with treachery, by the hand of enemies with a sword, in time of iniquity, at the last.

35:6On account of this, as I live, says the Lord the lord; Since you sinned unto blood, even blood shall pursue you. And blood you detested, even blood shall pursue you.

35:7And I will appoint mount Seir for a wilderness, and for being made desolate; and I will destroy from it men and beasts.

35:8And I will fill up your hills and your ravines of the slain; and in all your plains ones being slain by the sword shall fall among you.

35:9I will establish you an eternal desolation, and your cities no way shall be inhabited any longer. And you shall know that I am the lord.

35:10On account of your saying, The two nations, and the two places will be mine, and I shall inherit them, and the lord is there.

35:11On account of this, as I live, says the lord; Even I will do to you according to your hatred, and according to your zeal which you did in your detesting them; and I shall be known to you whenever I judge you.

35:12And you shall know that I am the lord. I heard the voice of your blasphemies. That you said, The wilderness mountains of Israel have been given to us for a thing to be devoured.

35:13And you spoke great words against me with your mouth; and you called out loud against me -- your words I heard.

35:14Thus says the lord; In the gladness of all the earth, I will make you a wilderness.

35:15As you were glad in the inheritance of the house of Israel, that it was obliterated, thus I shall do you. For you will be a wilderness, O mount Seir, and all Edom shall be completely consumed. And you shall know that I am the lord God.