The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 37

A psalm to David.

37:1Be not provoked to jealousy with ones acting wickedly, nor be jealous of the ones doing lawlessness!

37:2For they shall be dried up quickly as grass, and as vegetation of tender shoots they shall quickly fall away.

37:3Hope upon the lord, and execute graciousness! And encamp in the land! and you shall be tended by its riches.

37:4Revel in the lord! that he should give to you the requests of your heart.

37:5Reveal to the lord your way, and hope upon him! and he will act.

37:6And he shall bring forth your righteousness as light, and your practice as at midday.

37:7Submit to the lord, and entreat him! Be not provoked to jealousy in the prospering by a man doing unlawfulness in his way!

37:8Cease from anger, and abandon rage! Be not provoked to jealousy so as to do wicked!

37:9For the ones doing wicked shall be utterly destroyed; but the ones waiting on the lord, they shall inherit the land.

37:10And yet in a short time, and in no way shall the sinner exist; and if shall you seek his place, then in no way shall you find it.

37:11But the gentle shall inherit the earth, and they shall revel over an abundance of peace.

37:12The sinner shall closely watch the just, and shall gnash his teeth over him.

37:13But the lord shall laugh out loud at him, for he foresees that his day will come.

37:14The sinners unsheathed the broadsword; they stretched tight their bow to throw down the poor and needy, to slay the straight in heart.

37:15May their broadsword enter into their own hearts; and may their bows be broken.

37:16Better is a little to the just, than many riches of sinners.

37:17For the arms of sinners shall be broken; but the lord supports the just.

37:18The lord knows the ways of the unblemished; and their inheritance shall be into the eon.

37:19They will not be disgraced in a bad time, and in the days of hunger they shall be filled.

37:20For the sinners shall be destroyed. And the enemies of the lord at the same time in their being glorified and exalted, vanished as smoke vanishing.

37:21The sinner borrows, and does not pay back; but the just pities, and gives.

37:22For the ones blessing him shall inherit land; but the ones cursing him shall be utterly destroyed.

37:23The footsteps of a man are straightened out by the lord; and he shall want his way exceedingly.

37:24Whenever he shall fall he will not break, for the lord gives support to his hand.

37:25I was once younger and I grew old; and I beheld the just not being abandoned, nor his seed seeking bread loaves.

37:26The righteous shows mercy and lends the entire day, and his seed will be for a blessing.

37:27Turn aside from evil and do good, and encamp into the eon of the eon!

37:28For the lord loves equity, and shall not abandon his sacred ones; into the eon they shall be guarded. But lawless ones shall be driven out, and the seed of the impious shall be utterly destroyed.

37:29But the just shall inherit the earth, and encamp into the eon of the eon upon it.

37:30The mouth of the just shall meditate upon wisdom, and his tongue shall speak equity.

37:31The law of his God is in his heart; and his footsteps shall not be tripped up.

37:32The sinner contemplates the just, and seeks to kill him.

37:33But the lord in no way shall abandon him into his hands, nor in no way should he condemn him whenever he should judge him.

37:34Wait on the lord, and guard his way! and he shall exalt you to inherit the land, in the one you will see sinners being utterly destroyed.

37:35I beheld the impious being greatly exalted, and being lifted up as the cedars of Lebanon.

37:36And I went by, and behold, he was not. And I sought him, and his place was not found.

37:37Guard innocence, and know straightness! for there is a leftover for the peaceable man.

37:38But the lawbreakers shall be utterly destroyed together; the leftovers of the impious shall be utterly destroyed.

37:39But deliverance of the just is by the lord; and he is their defender in time of affliction.

37:40And the lord shall help them, and shall rescue them; and he shall take them away from the sinners; and he shall deliver them, for they hoped upon him.