The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 15

15:1And the lord said to me, If Moses and Samuel should stand before my face my soul is not for them. Send out this people from my face, and let them go forth!

15:2And it will be if they should say to you, Where shall we go forth? then you shall say to them, Thus says the lord, As many as for death, to death; and as many as for sword, to sword; and as many as for famine, to famine; and as many as for captivity, to captivity.

15:3And I will avenge against them four forms, says the lord; the sword unto slaughter, and the dogs for tearing in pieces, and the wild beasts of the earth, and the winged creatures of the heaven for solid food and corruption.

15:4And I will deliver them up for distresses to all the kingdoms of the earth, because of Manasseh son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for all which he did in Jerusalem.

15:5Who will spare over you, O Jerusalem? And who will show timidity against you? Or, who shall return to say, Peace to you?

15:6You turned from me, says the lord; you shall go back. And I will stretch out my hand, and I shall utterly destroy you; and no longer shall I spare them.

15:7And I will scatter them in a dispersion in the gates of my people. They were made childless; they destroyed my people because of their evils.

15:8Their widows were multiplied above the sand of the sea; I brought young men against the mother, misery in midday. I cast upon her sudden trembling and anxiety.

15:9The one giving birth to seven was emptied. Her soul suffered misfortune; her sun set even in the middle of the day. She was disgraced and berated. Of the ones remaining of them I will give to the sword before their enemies, says the lord.

15:10Woe, O mother, as how you bore me a man adjudicating and litigating in all the earth. I derived no benefit, nor did anyone benefit me. My strength failed among the ones cursing me.

15:11May it be, O lord master, of their prospering in a time of their affliction for good against the enemy.

15:12Shall it be known that iron and a wrap-around garment of brass is your strength, no.

15:13And of your treasures I will give an equivalent, on account of all your sins, and in all your borders.

15:14I will reduce you to slavery round about your enemies, in the land which you knew not. For a fire has been kindled because of my rage; it shall be kindled against you.

15:15O lord, remember me, and visit me, and acquit me from the ones pursuing me -- not for leniency! Know how I took scorning on account of you!

15:16even by the ones disregarding your words. Finish them off entirely! and your word will be to me for gladness and the joy of my heart. For your name has been called upon me, O lord almighty.

15:17I sat not in their sanhedrin playing about, but I was cautious from in front of your hand. Alone I sat, for I was filled with bitterness.

15:18Why do the ones grieving me prevail over me? My wound is substantial, from where shall I be healed? In becoming, it became to me as false water, not having trust.

15:19Because of this, thus says the lord, If you should return, and I should restore you, you shall stand before my face. And if you should lead out the esteemed from the unworthy, you will be as my mouth. And they shall return to you; and you shall not return to them.

15:20And I will appoint you to this people as a fortified wall of brass. And they shall wage war against you, but in no way shall they be able to prevail against you; because I am with you to deliver you, and to rescue you, says the lord.

15:21And I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked ones, and I will ransom you from the hand of pestilent ones.