The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 5

5:1And after these things Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they said to him, Thus says the lord God of Israel. Send forth my people! that they may solemnize a holiday to me in the wilderness.

5:2And Pharaoh said, Who is he, of whom I will listen to his voice so as to send out the sons of Israel? I do not know the lord, and I will not send out Israel.

5:3And they say to him, The God of the Hebrews called on us. We will go then on a journey of three days into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the lord our God, lest at any time death or murder might meet with us.

5:4And the king of Egypt said to them, Why do you, Moses and Aaron, turn aside the people from the works? Go forth each of you to his works!

5:5And Pharaoh said, Behold, now The people of the land are numerous; I shall not then rest them from the works.

5:6And Pharaoh gave orders to the foremen of the people, and to the scribes, saying,

5:7No longer will it be added to give straw to the people for the brickmaking, as yesterday and the third day before. Let them go and bring together for themselves the straw!

5:8And the rate of the making of bricks which they produce each day, you shall put it upon them. You shall not remove any of them, for they are idle. On account of this they cry out, saying, We should go and sacrifice to our God.

5:9Let the works of these men be oppressive, and let these men be anxious, and not anxious in empty words!

5:10And hastened of them the foremen, and the scribes of the people. And they said to the people, saying, Thus says Pharaoh, No longer do I give to you straw.

5:11You yourselves in going, collect together for yourselves straw! from where ever you should find. For nothing is removed from your rate, not one thing.

5:12And he dispersed the people in the entire land of Egypt to gather together stubble for straw.

5:13But the foremen hastened them, saying, You complete the works, the ones fit according to the day, just as also when the straw was given to you.

5:14And they were whipped -- the scribes of the race of the sons of Israel, the ones being placed over them by the supervisors of Pharaoh, and saying, Why did you not complete your rate of the making of bricks as also yesterday and the third day before and today?

5:15And entering, the scribes of the sons of Israel yelled out to Pharaoh, saying, Why do you thus do to your servants?

5:16Straw has not been given to your servants, and they tell us to make brick. And behold, your servants have been whipped. Shall you wrong therefore your people?

5:17And he said to them, You are idle, you are idlers. Because of this you say, We should go, we should sacrifice to the lord.

5:18Now then, in going, work! For the straw shall not be given to you, and the rate for the making of bricks you shall render.

5:19And the scribes of the sons of Israel seeing themselves in bad ways, in the saying, You shall not leave off from the making of bricks fit for the day,

5:20that they met Moses and Aaron coming to meet with them in their going forth from Pharaoh.

5:21And they said to them, God give you over and judge, for you caused our scent to be abhorred before Pharaoh, and before his attendants, to put a broadsword into his hands to kill us.

5:22And Moses turned to the lord, and said, O lord, for why did you inflict evil on this people? And why have you sent me?

5:23And when I went to Pharaoh to speak in the name being to you, he inflicted evil on this people, and you did not rescue your people.