The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Micah 6

6:1Hear indeed what the lord said! Rise up, plead with the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice!

6:2Hear, O mountains, the judgment of the lord, and O ravines, foundations of the earth! For there is a case with the lord against his people; and with Israel he will plead.

6:3O my people, what did I to you, or how did I trouble you? Answer me!

6:4For I led you out of the land of Egypt; and from out of the house of slavery I ransomed you. And I sent out before your face Moses and Aaron and Miriam.

6:5O my people, remember indeed what Balak king of Moab planned against you! and what Balaam son of Beor answered to him, from the rushes unto Gilgal, so that the righteousness of the lord should be known.

6:6By what means should I overtake the lord? Shall I take hold of my God the highest? Shall I overtake him with a whole burnt-offering, with calves of a year old, no.

6:7Shall the lord favorably receive a thousand rams, or myriads of hearty winter yearlings, no. Shall I give my first-born for my sin offering, no. the fruit of my belly for impiety of my soul, no.

6:8He explained to you, O man, what is good or what the lord requires from you; but only to execute equity, and to love mercy, and to be prepared to go with your God.

6:9The voice of the lord shall be called upon in the city, and he shall deliver ones fearing his name. Hear, O tribe! and who shall adorn the city?

6:10Is there not fire, and the house of the lawless one treasuring up treasures of lawless deeds, and with unrighteous insolence?

6:11Shall the lawless one be justified by a yoke balance scale, or by a bag of deceitful weights,

6:12of which they filled their riches of impiety, and the ones dwelling it spoke lies, and their tongue was exalted in their mouth, no.

6:13And I tormented you for extinction on account of your sins.

6:14You shall eat, and in no way be filled up. And I shall banish you to yourself, and you shall be forsaken, and in no way should you be preserved; and as many as should be preserved shall be delivered up unto the broadsword.

6:15You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall compress the olive, but in no way should you anoint with olive oil; and wine, and in no way shall you drink; and the laws of my people shall be obliterated.

6:16For you kept the ordinances of Omri, and all the works of the house of Ahab. And you went by their plans, so that I should deliver you unto extinction, and the ones dwelling her for a hissing; and you shall receive scorn of peoples.