The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Nahum 1

1:1The concern for Nineveh. The scroll of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

1:2God is jealous, and the lord is punishing; the lord is punishing with rage; the lord is punishing his adversaries, and lifting away himself of his enemies.

1:3The lord is lenient, and great is his strength; and the lord will not acquit one as innocent; his way is by consummation and by a rumbling, and the clouds are the dust of his feet;

1:4the one pressing together the sea, and the one drying it, and making quite desolate all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel are lessened, and the blossoming of Lebanon failed.

1:5The mountains shake from him, and the hills are shaken, and the earth rises upwards at his presence; the whole, and all the ones dwelling in it.

1:6From in front of his anger who shall stand, and who shall withstand in the anger of his rage? His rage melts away sovereignties, and the rocks are broken because of him.

1:7Gracious is the lord to the ones waiting on him in the day of affliction; and he is knowing of the ones venerating him.

1:8And by a flood coursing he shall execute a consummation of the ones rousing up; and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

1:9What do you devise against the lord? He himself will make a consummation. He will not punish twice for the same thing with affliction.

1:10For the enemy will be made barren unto his foundation, and as a yew tree being twisted he shall be devoured, even as stubble he shall be dried up fully.

1:11From out of you shall come forth a device against the lord, planning wicked things adverse to him.

1:12Thus says the lord, who rules many waters, And so they shall be drawn apart, and the report of you shall not be listened to attentively any longer.

1:13And now I will break his rod from you, and the bonds I will tear up.

1:14And the lord shall give charge concerning you, There shall not be sown the report of your name any longer from out of the house of your god; I will utterly destroy the carved images, and the molten images; I will establish your burial, and that quickly.

1:15Behold upon the mountains the feet announcing good news, and reporting peace. Solemnize, O Judah, your holidays! Render your vows! For in no way should they proceed any longer to go through you, for they should have grown old.