The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 36

36:1And Bezaleel prepared, and Aholiab, and all wise in thought, in whom was given wisdom and higher knowledge for them to perceive to do all the works being fit for the holies,, according to all as much as the lord ordered.

36:2And Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and all the ones having the wisdom, to whom God gave higher knowledge in the heart, and all of the ones voluntarily willing to go to the works so as to complete them.

36:3And they took from Moses all the choice-portion offerings which the sons of Israel brought for all the works of the holy place, to prepare them. And they favorably received still the things being brought from the ones bringing morning by morning.

36:4And all the wise ones came, the ones doing the works of the holy place, each according to his own work, which they worked.

36:5And they said to Moses, that, The people bring a multitude for the works, as much as the lord ordered to do.

36:6And Moses assigned, and proclaimed in the camp, saying, Let a man and woman no longer work in the first-fruits of the holy place. And the people were restrained still to bring.

36:7And the supply of works was to them enough for making the furniture; and they left surplus.

36:8And every wise one in thought among the ones working produced for the tent ten curtains from out of linen being twined, and blue and purple, and scarlet being twined; he made them with cherubim the work of a weaver.

36:9The length of the one curtain -- eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of four cubits was to the one curtain. The same measure was to all the curtains.

36:10And five curtains were of one another, being held the other with the other. And five curtains were of one another, being held the other with the other.

36:11And he made hooks of blue upon the edge of the one curtain joining the one part for the coupling. And thus he made upon the edge of the outer curtain for the second coupling.

36:12And fifty hooks he made for the one curtain, and fifty hooks he made for the part of the curtain corresponding to the coupling of the second, facing headlong into one another each.

36:13And he made fifty hooks of gold. And he joined together the curtains an other to an other by the hooks. And the tent became one.

36:14And he made hide coverings of hair to protect over the tent. Eleven hide coverings he made them.

36:15The length of the one hide covering was thirty cubits, and four cubits the breadth of the one hide covering. The same measure was to the eleven hide coverings.

36:16And he joined together the five hide coverings to the same, and the six hide coverings to the same.

36:17And he made fifty hooks upon the edge of the one hide covering, in the middle by the coupling. And fifty hooks he made upon the edge of the second hide covering joining.

36:18And he made fifty hooks of brass. And he joined together the hooks by the hooks, and he joined together the hide coverings, and it became one.

36:19And he made a covering for the tent -- skins of rams dyed red, and coverings of skins of blue on top.

36:20And he made posts for the tent from out of incorruptible wood.

36:21Ten cubits was the one post, and one cubit and a half the width of the one post.

36:22Two joints to the one post resting headlong against an other to an other; thus he made all the posts of the tent.

36:23And he made the posts of the tent -- twenty posts by the side of the one towards the south.

36:24And forty bases of silver he made for the twenty posts. Two bases to the one post, for both its parts. And two bases to the other one post, for both its parts.

36:25And the second side towards the north -- twenty posts,

36:26and forty bases for them made of silver. Two bases to the one post, for both its parts. And two bases for the other one post, for both its parts.

36:27And by the rear of the tent by the part towards the west, he made six posts.

36:28And two posts he made at the corners of the tent at the posteriors.

36:29And they were of equal below, and according to the same measurement they were equal from the heads unto one coupling. Thus he made to both the two corners.

36:30And there were eight posts, and their bases of silver -- sixteen. Two bases to the one post, and two bases to the one post, for both it parts.

36:31And he made bars from out of incorruptible wood; five to the posts from the one part of the tent; and five bars to the posts to the second side of the tent.

36:32And five bars for the posts to the posterior side of the tent towards the west.

36:33And the middle bar in between the posts penetrated from the one side unto the other side.

36:34And the posts he gilded in gold; and their rings he made of gold for holders to the bearing poles. And he gilded the bars in gold.

36:35And he made a veil from out of blue, and purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen being spun. He made it a woven work with cherubim.

36:36And he placed it upon four posts of incorruptible wood being gilded in gold. And the tips of them of gold, and their four bases were made of silver.

36:37And he made a draw curtain for the door of the tent of blue, and purple, and of scarlet being twined, and linen being twined, a work of an embroiderer;

36:38and its five posts, and their tips. And he gilded their tips with gold. And he cast for them five bases of brass.