The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Galatians 3

3:1O unthinking Galatians, who charmed you, to not yield to the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was written about beforehand, being crucified among you?

3:2This only I want to learn from you, was it from works of law you received the spirit, or by report of belief?

3:3Are you so unthinking? Commencing in spirit, you are now completed in flesh?

3:4Did you suffer so many things in vain, if indeed that it be vain?

3:5The one then supplying to you the spirit, and operates power in you -- is it from works of law or is it from report of belief?

3:6As how Abraham trusted in God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.

3:7Know then that the ones of belief, these are sons of Abraham.

3:8And the scripture saw at a distance that of belief God justifies the nations, advancing good news to Abraham, saying that, All the nations shall be blessed by you.

3:9So that the ones of belief are blessed with the believing Abraham.

3:10For as many as are of works of law, they are under a curse. For it has been written, Accursed be all who do not adhere in all the things having been written in the scroll of the law to do them.

3:11But that by law no one is being justified with God is manifest; for it says, The just shall live of belief.

3:12But the law is not of belief; but the man observing them shall live by them.

3:13Christ bought us back from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. For it has been written, Accursed is every one hanging upon a tree,

3:14that to the nations the blessing of Abraham should take place in Christ Jesus, that the promise of the spirit we should receive through the belief.

3:15Brethren, according to man I speak. Even a covenant of a man having been validated, no one annuls or adds further.

3:16And to Abraham the promises were spoken, and to his seed. And he does not say, to the seeds, as unto many; but as unto one, saying, And to your seed -- which is Christ.

3:17And this I say, the covenant being validated before by God in Christ -- the law taking place after four hundred and thirty years does not void so as to render useless the promise.

3:18For if the inheritance is of law, no longer is it of promise; but to Abraham through promise God granted it.

3:19Why then the law? It was added for favor of the violations, until of which time the seed should come to whom it has been promised; it was set in order by messengers in the hand of a mediator.

3:20But the mediator is not one; but God is one.

3:21Then is the law against the promises of God? May it not be. For if a law was given being able to restore life, then really the righteousness was then of law.

3:22But the scripture consigned the whole under sin, that the promise of belief of Jesus Christ should be given to the ones trusting.

3:23But before the belief coming, we were guarded by law, having been consigned to the about to be uncovering belief.

3:24So that the law has become our instructor up to Christ, that we should be justified of belief.

3:25But of the belief having come, no longer are we under an instructor;

3:26for you are all sons of God through the belief in Christ Jesus.

3:27For as many as were immersed put on Christ.

3:28There is not Jew nor Greek; there is not bondman nor free; there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

3:29And if you are of Christ, then you are of the seed of Abraham, and heirs according to promise.