The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 72

For Solomon; a psalm to David.

72:1O God, give your judgment to the king, and your righteousness to the son of the king!

72:2to judge your people in righteousness, and your poor with equity.

72:3Let the mountains lift up peace to the people, and the hills righteousness!

72:4He shall judge the poor of the people, and shall deliver the sons of the needy, and shall humble the extortioner.

72:5And he shall continue as the sun, and before the moon for generations of generations.

72:6He shall come down as rain upon fleece, and as drops dripping upon the earth.

72:7Righteousness shall rise in his days, and a multitude of peace until of which time the moon should be taken away.

72:8And he shall dominate from sea unto sea, and from rivers unto the ends of the inhabitable world.

72:9Ethiopians shall fall down before him, and his enemies shall lick dust.

72:10Kings of Tarshish, and the islands shall bring gifts. The kings of the Arabians and Sheba will come forward with gifts.

72:11And all the kings of the earth shall do obeisance to him. All the nations shall serve to him.

72:12For he rescued the poor from the mighty one, and the needy one in whom no helper existed.

72:13He shall spare the poor and needy; and the souls of the needy he shall deliver.

72:14From interest and from injustice he shall ransom their souls, and his valued name will be before them.

72:15And he shall live, and there shall be given to him from the gold of Arabia. And they shall pray for him always; the entire day they shall bless him.

72:16There will be a support on the earth upon the tops of the mountains. His fruit shall be elevated above Lebanon, and they of the city shall blossom as grass of the earth.

72:17His name will be a blessing into the eons. His name shall abide before the sun, and all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed by him. All the nations shall declare him blessed.

72:18Blessed be the lord God of Israel, the one doing wonders alone.

72:19And being blessed is the name of his glory into the eon, and into the eon of the eon. And all the earth shall be filled of his glory. May it be. May it be.

72:20The hymns of David the son of Jesse are ended.