The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 21

21:1And these are the ordinances which you shall place before them.

21:2If you should acquire a Hebrew servant, he shall serve to you six years, but the seventh year you shall send him free without charge.

21:3If he alone should enter, also alone he shall go forth; but if a wife should enter together with him, also the wife shall go out together with him.

21:4And if the master should give to him a wife, and she should bear to him, sons and daughters, the wife and the children shall be his masters, and he alone shall go forth by himself.

21:5And if responding the servant should have said, I have loved my master, and my wife, and the children; I do not run free.

21:6Then his master shall lead him to the judgment seat of God, and then lead him to the door, unto the doorpost. And his master shall make a hole in the ear with the shoemaker's awl, and he shall serve to him into the eon.

21:7But if any should give over his own daughter as a domestic servant, she shall not go forth as the maidservants run forth.

21:8If she should not be well-pleasing to her master, who did not solemnly promise her; on payment of ransom he shall release her; but the master is not to sell her to an alien nation, for he disrespected her.

21:9And if to his son he solemnly promised her, according to the ordinance of the daughters he shall commit to her.

21:10And if he should take another woman to himself, the things necessary, and the clothes, and her companionship he shall not deprive.

21:11And if these three things he should not do for her, she shall go forth freely, without paying money.

21:12And if any should strike any, and he should die, to death let him be put to death!

21:13But if it be done not willingly, but God delivered up into his hands, I will give to you a place in which he shall flee there -- the one man-slaying.

21:14But if any should set against the neighbor to kill him by treachery, and should take refuge; you shall take him from my altar to be put to death.

21:15Whoever beats his father or his mother, to death he should be put to death.

21:16The one speaking evil of his father or his mother, to death let him come to an end!

21:17Who ever should steal any of any one of the sons of Israel, and tyrannizing him, should give him over, and should be found with him, to death let him come to an end!

21:18And if two men revile each other, and one should strike the neighbor with a stone or fist, and he should not die, but lies down upon the bed;

21:19if in arising, the man should walk outside upon his cane, the one striking will be innocent; except he shall pay for his idleness, and the physician's fee.

21:20But if any strike his servant or his maidservant with a rod, and one should die by his hand, with punishment let him be punished!

21:21And if the one should continue to live one day or two, he shall not be punished, for he is his money.

21:22And if two men should do combat, and should strike a woman having one in the womb, and should come forth her child not completely formed, with a fine he shall be penalized, in so far as the husband of the woman should put upon him, and he shall give by means of what is fit.

21:23And if it should be completely formed, he shall give life for life,

21:24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

21:25burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

21:26And if any should strike the eye of his man-servant, or the eye of his female attendant, and he should blind; he shall send them free on account of their eye.

21:27And if the tooth of the man-servant, or the tooth of his female attendant he should knock out; he shall send them free on account of their tooth.

21:28And if a bull should gore a man or woman, and either die; with stones you shall stone the bull, and you shall not eat of its meats; but the owner of the bull shall be innocent.

21:29But if the bull was goring before yesterday and before the third day before, and men testified to its owner, and he should not remove it; and if it should have done away with a man or a woman, they shall stone the bull, and the owner of it shall die in addition.

21:30And if ransoms should be put to him, he shall give ransoms for the life of it, as much as should be put upon him.

21:31And if a son or daughter should be gored, according to this ordinance they shall observe it.

21:32And if the bull should have gored a manservant or a maidservant, he shall give thirty double-drachmas of silver to their owner, and the bull shall be stoned.

21:33And if any should open a pit, or a quarry pit, and should not cover it, and a calf or donkey should fall in there,

21:34the owner of the pit shall pay; he shall give money to their owner, and the animal coming to an end will be his.

21:35And if any bull should gore the bull of the neighbor, and it should come to an end, they shall give over the living bull for sale, and divide the money from it, and the bull having died they shall divide.

21:36And if it is made known that the bull is given to goring before yesterday and before the third day, and they should have been testifying to its owner, and he did not remove it, he shall pay bull for bull, but the bull coming to an end will be his.