The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 64

To the director; a psalm to David.

64:1Hear, O God, my voice! in my beseeching to you. Rescue my soul from the fear of the enemy!

64:2Shelter me from the conspiracy of the ones acting wickedly! from the multitude of the ones working iniquity.

64:3The ones who sharpened their tongues as a broadsword; they stretched tight their bow for a bitter thing;

64:4to shoot in concealed places at the unblemished; suddenly they will shoot him, and they will not fear.

64:5They determined for themselves an evil matter; they describe to themselves how to hide snares. They said, Who shall see them?

64:6They searched out lawlessness; they failed while searching out in the search. Man shall come forward and the heart is deep,

64:7and God shall be exalted; the arrow of infants became their calamities;

64:8and their tongues treated him with contempt. All the ones viewing them were disturbed;

64:9and every man was fearful. And they announced the works of God, and they perceived his actions.

64:10The just shall be glad in the lord, and shall hope upon him; and all the straight in heart shall be praised.