The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Habakkuk 2

2:1Upon my watch I will stand, and I will mount upon a rock. And I will watch over to behold what he should speak in me, and what I will answer upon my being reproved.

2:2And the lord answered to me and said, Write the vision clearly onto a writing-tablet, so that the one reading these things should take flight.

2:3For the vision is yet for a time, and it shall rise in the end, and not in vain. If he should lack, wait for him! for in coming he shall come and in no way should he delay.

2:4If he keeps back, my soul favors not in him; but the just one shall live by my belief.

2:5But the one being arrogant and despising, the ostentatious man, not one thing in any way should he have achieved, who widened his soul as Hades, and so as death not being filled up, even he shall assemble unto himself all the nations, and will take in to himself all the peoples.

2:6Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a riddle for his narrative? And they shall say, Woe, the one multiplying to himself the things not being his -- how long? even the one oppressing his collar densely.

2:7For suddenly ones biting him shall raise up, and the plotters against you shall sober up, and you will be for ravaging to them.

2:8Because you despoiled many nations, all the peoples being left shall despoil you, because of the blood of men, and the impious deeds of the land and city, and all of the ones dwelling in it.

2:9O, the one overabounding in a desire for evil wealth to his house, to arrange his nest in the height, to pull out from the hand of evils.

2:10You deliberated shame to your house; you finished off many peoples, and your soul was led into sin.

2:11For the stone shall yell out from the wall; and the beetle from out of the wood shall utter its sounds.

2:12Woe, the one building a city in blood, and prepares a city by iniquities.

2:13Are these not from the lord almighty that fit peoples failed by fire, and many nations, and they became faint-hearted?

2:14For the earth shall be filled to know the glory of the lord, as water covers up seas.

2:15O, the one giving a drink to his neighbor a clouded and intoxicating diet of lees, so that he should look upon their private parts.

2:16Drink to the fullness of the dishonor of your glory, and be excited! The cup of the right hand of the lord encircled you, and dishonor was brought upon your glory.

2:17For the impiety of Lebanon shall cover you, and the misery from wild beasts shall terrify you, because of the blood of men, and the impious deeds of the land, and of the city, and of all the ones dwelling it.

2:18What benefit is the carved image that they carved it? He shaped it for a molten casting, a false visible display. For the one shaping has relied upon the thing shaped by him in the making of mute idols.

2:19Woe, the one saying to the wood, Sober up, arise! And to the stone, Be exalted! But it is only a visible display, and it is a hammered piece of gold and silver, and no breath at all is in it.

2:20But the lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth venerate from before him!