The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 21

21:1And the lord said to Moses, saying, Speak to the priests, to the sons of Aaron! And you shall say to them, that among their dead souls they shall not defile themselves among their nation;

21:2but only among the members of the family near them -- for father, and for mother, and for sons, and for daughters, and for brother,

21:3and for his virgin sister being near to him, the sister not being espoused to a man; for these he shall not defile himself

21:4suddenly among his people by profaning himself.

21:5And to baldness you shall not shave your head for the dead; and the appearance of the beard they shall not shave; and upon their flesh they shall not mutilate by cuts.

21:6They shall be holy to their God, and they shall not profane the name of their God. For they offer the sacrifices of the lord as gifts to their God, and they shall be holy.

21:7A woman harlot and being profaned they shall not take; and a woman being cast out from her husband they shall not take; for he is holy to the lord his God.

21:8And you shall sanctify him; for the gifts of the lord your God this one offers -- he shall be holy. For I the lord am holy, the one sanctifying them.

21:9And a daughter of a man being a priest, if she should be profaned to fornicate, she profanes the name of her father; with fire she shall be incinerated.

21:10And the great priest from among his brethren, of the one having the oil of the anointing poured upon his head, and his hands having been perfected to put on the garments -- the head shall not be without a turban, and the garments he shall not tear up;

21:11and he shall not enter unto any soul coming to an end; he shall not be defiled by his father nor by his mother.

21:12And from out of the holies he shall not come forth; and he shall not profane the thing having been sanctified of his God, for the holy anointing oil of his God is upon him. I am the lord.

21:13This one shall take a virgin woman from his family.

21:14But a widow, and one being cast out and being profaned, and a harlot -- these he shall not take; but only a virgin from out of his people shall he take for a wife.

21:15And he shall not profane his semen among his people. I am the lord God, the one sanctifying him.

21:16And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

21:17Speak to Aaron, saying, A man from your kind, throughout your generations, to any if there might be on him a blemish, shall not come forward to offer the gifts of his God.

21:18Any man in which ever might be in him a blemish, shall not come forward -- a blind man, or lame, or splitmouth, or with mutilated ears,

21:19or a man in which might be in him a broken hand, or a broken foot,

21:20or humpback, or peeling, or hairless of the eyes, or a man in which ever might be in him a wild mange, or scabbed, or having one testicle.

21:21Every man in which there is on him a blemish from the seed of Aaron the priest, shall not approach to offer the sacrifices to the lord, that has a blemish on him; he shall not come forward to bring the gifts of his God.

21:22The holy of the holies, and of the holy things he shall eat.

21:23Except to the veil he shall not come forward, and to the altar he shall not approach, for he has a blemish, and he shall not profane the holy things of his God, for I the lord, am the one sanctifying them.

21:24And Moses spoke to Aaron and his sons, and to all of the sons of Israel.