The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 92

A psalm of an ode for the Sabbath day.

92:1It is good to make acknowledgment to the lord, and to strum to your name, O Highest One.

92:2To announce in the morning of your mercy, and of your truth at night,

92:3on the ten-stringed psaltery, with an ode on the harp.

92:4For you gladdened me, O lord, by your action; and in the works of your hands I shall exult.

92:5O how your works were magnified, O lord; your thoughts deepen exceedingly.

92:6A foolish man will not know, and the senseless shall not perceive these things.

92:7In the rising up of the sinners as grass, and all the ones working lawlessness look on, that thus they shall be utterly destroyed into the eon of the eon.

92:8But you are the highest into the eon, O lord.

92:9For behold, your enemies, O lord, for behold, your enemies shall perish, and all the ones working lawlessness shall be dispersed.

92:10And my horn shall be raised up high as a unicorn; and my old age with plentiful oil.

92:11And my eye looked on my enemies, and my ear shall hear the ones acting wickedly among the ones rising up against me.

92:12The just one shall bloom as a palm tree; as a cedar in Lebanon he shall be multiplied.

92:13The ones being planted in the house of the lord, in the courtyards of our God, shall blossom.

92:14Still they shall be multiplied in plentiful old age; and they will be enjoying pleasure; to announce

92:15that the lord our God is upright, and there is no injustice in him.