The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 26

26:1And it will be whenever you should enter into the land which the lord your God gives to you by lot to inherit it, and should dwell upon it;

26:2that you shall take from the first-fruit of the fruits of your land, which the lord your God gives by lot, and you shall put them into a basket, and you shall go into the place which ever the lord your God should choose to call upon his name there.

26:3And you shall come to the priest, who ever might be in those days, and you shall say to him, I announce today to the lord your God, that I have entered into the land which the lord swore by an oath to our fathers to give to us.

26:4And the priest shall take the basket from out of your hands, and he shall put it before the altar of the lord your God.

26:5And you shall respond and shall say before the lord your God, My father threw off Syria, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with few in number, and became there into a great nation and a populous multitude.

26:6And the Egyptians maltreated us, and humbled us, and placed upon us hard works.

26:7And we yelled out to the lord God of our fathers, and the lord listened to our voice, and beheld our humiliation, and our trouble, and our affliction.

26:8And the lord led us out of Egypt with great strength, and with a fortified hand, and with a high arm, and with great visions, and with signs, and with miracles.

26:9And he brought us into this place, and he gave to us this land, a land flowing milk and honey.

26:10And now, behold, I have brought the first-fruit of the produce of the land which you gave to me, O lord. And you shall leave it before the lord your God, and you shall do obeisance before the lord your God.

26:11And you shall be glad in all the good things which the lord your God gave to you, and to your family, you and the Levite and the foreigner among you.

26:12And whenever you should complete to tithe all the tenth part of the produce of your land in the third year, the second tenth part you shall give to the Levite, and to the foreigner, and to the orphan, and to the widow; and they shall eat in your cities, and they shall be satisfied.

26:13And you shall say before the lord your God, I cleared the holy things from out of my house, and I gave them to the Levite, and to the foreigner, and to the orphan, and to the widow, according to all your commandments which you gave charge to me; I did not pass by your commandment, and I did not forget.

26:14And I did not eat of them in my grief; I did not yield of them in an unclean manner; I did not give of them to the one having died; I obeyed the voice of the lord my God to do as he gave charge to me.

26:15Look down from out of your holy house, from heaven, and bless your people Israel! and the land which you gave to them, as you swore by an oath to our fathers, to give to us a land flowing milk and honey!

26:16On this day the lord your God gave charge to you to do all these ordinances and judgments. And you shall guard and observe them from your entire heart, and from your entire soul.

26:17You took God today to be your God, and to go in all his ways, and to guard the ordinances, and the commandments, and his judgments, and to obey his voice.

26:18And the lord took you today for you to be to him a prized people, just as he spoke to you -- for you to guard all his commandments;

26:19and for you to be above all the nations, as he made you famous, and a boasting, and glorious; for you to be a holy people to the lord your God as he spoke.