The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 25

25:1And if there be a dispute between men, and they should come forward for judgment, and they should judge, and should do justice for the just, and should condemn the impious;

25:2then it will be if the one being impious might be worthy of strokes, they shall sit him before the judges, and they shall whip him before them according to his impiety.

25:3They shall whip him forty stripes in number, they shall not add more; but if he should add to whip him above these, by the strokes being more you shall be disgraced of your brother before you.

25:4You shall not muzzle an ox threshing.

25:5And if brethren should dwell in the same place, and one of them should die, and there might not be seed to him, the wife of the one having died shall not be outside the husband's family not near. The brother of her husband shall enter to her, and he shall take her to himself as wife, and he shall live with her.

25:6And it will be, that the male child, who ever she should give birth to, shall be ordained from the name of the one coming to an end, and his name shall not be wiped away from out of Israel.

25:7But if the man does not want to take the wife of his brother; then the woman shall ascend unto the gate to the council of elders, and shall say, The brother of my husband does not want to raise up the name of his brother in Israel -- the brother of my husband does not want to.

25:8And the council of elders of that city shall call him, and they shall speak to him. And standing, should he say, I am not willing to take her;

25:9then the wife of his brother coming forward to him, before the council of elders, then shall untie his sandal, the one from his foot, and shall spit into his face; and responding she shall say, Thus shall they do to the man who shall not build the house of his brother.

25:10And his name shall be called in Israel, House of the Untied Sandal.

25:11And if two men should do combat at the same time -- a man against his brother; and should come forward the wife of one of them to rescue her husband from out of the hand of the one beating him, and stretching out her hand should take hold of his twins,

25:12you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not spare over her.

25:13There shall not be in your money bag a weight and a weight -- a great or small.

25:14There shall not be in your house a measure and a measure -- a great or a small.

25:15There shall be to you a true and just weight, and there shall be to you a true and just measure, that you should be many days upon the land which the lord your God gives to you by lot.

25:16For it is an abomination to the lord your God every one doing these things -- every one doing unjustly.

25:17Remember as many things Amalek did to you in the way of your going forth from Egypt!

25:18How he opposed you in the way, and beat your rear guard, the ones tiring in your rear, and you hungered and were tired. And he feared not God.

25:19And it will be when ever the lord your God rests you from all your enemies round about you in the land which the lord your God gives to you by lot to inherit, you shall wipe away the name Amalek from under the heaven, and in no way should you forget.