The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Amos 9

9:1I saw the lord standing at the altar. And he said, Strike upon the atonement-seat! and the gateways shall be shaken. And cut unto the heads of all! and the ones remaining of them I will kill by the broadsword. In no way should one evade from them by fleeing, and in no way shall there be preserved one of them by rescuing.

9:2If they should be buried in Hades, from there my hand shall pull them up. And if they ascend into the heaven, from there I will lead them down.

9:3If they hide in the top of Carmel, from there I will search out and take them. And if they descend from out of my eyes into the depths of the sea, there I will give charge to the dragon, and it will bite them.

9:4And if they go into captivity in front of their enemies, there I will give charge to the broadsword, and it shall kill them. And I will firmly fix my eyes against them for bad, and not for good.

9:5And the lord God almighty, is the one attaching the earth and shaking it. And all the ones dwelling it shall mourn. And it shall ascend as the river of Egypt.

9:6The one building his ascent into the heaven. and the one founding his promise upon the earth, the one calling on the water of the sea, and pouring it upon the face of the earth -- the lord is his name.

9:7Are you not as sons of Ethiopians to me, O sons of Israel, says the lord? Did I not lead Israel from out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from out of Cappadocia, and the Syrians from out of the pit?

9:8Behold the eyes of the lord God are upon the kingdom of the sinners, and I will lift it from the face of the earth; only that not unto completion will I remove the house of Jacob, says the lord.

9:9For behold, I give charge, and I shall winnow among all the nations the house of Israel, in which manner grain is winnowed by the winnowing shovel; and in no way shall there fall a broken piece upon the earth.

9:10By broadsword all the sinners of my people shall come to an end, the ones saying, In no way shall approach nor come upon us the evils.

9:11In that day I will raise up the tent of David, the one having fallen, and I will rebuild its fallen things. And the things having been razed of it, I will raise up, and I will rebuild it as the days of the eon;

9:12so that the ones remaining of the men should inquire, and all the nations, the ones of whom my name was called upon by them, says the lord, the one doing these things.

9:13Behold, days come, says the lord, and the threshing shall overtake the gathering of crops; and the grape shall grow dark in the sowing; and sweetness shall trickle down the mountains, and all the hills shall be planted together.

9:14And I will return the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the cities having been obliterated, and shall inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and they shall drink their wine; and they shall make gardens, and shall eat their fruit.

9:15And I will plant them upon their land. And in no way shall they be pulled out any longer from their land of which I gave to them, says the lord God.