The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Amos 8

8:1Thus the lord showed to me. And behold, a container of a fowler.

8:2And the lord said, What do you see, Amos? And I said, A container of a fowler. And the lord said to me, The end is come for my people Israel; I shall not proceed any longer to pass by them.

8:3And the fretworks of the temple shall shriek in that day, says the lord. And there shall be many falling; in every place I will cast a silence.

8:4Hear indeed these things! O ones obliterating the needy, and tyrannizing the poor of the land.

8:5Saying, When shall the month go by that we shall make trade, and the Sabbaths, that we shall open the treasury to make the measure small, and to unequally magnify the scale-weight, and to make the yoke balance scale unjust?

8:6That we may acquire the poor by silver, and the needy in return for sandals; and of every business we shall trade.

8:7The lord swears an oath according to the pride of Jacob, Shall there be forgotten for victory any of their works, no.

8:8And concerning these things, shall the land not be disturbed, and all the ones dwelling in it mourn? And the consumption shall ascend as a river, and shall go down as the river of Egypt.

8:9And it will be in that day, says the lord, the sun shall go down at midday, and the light shall darken upon the earth during the day;

8:10and I will convert your holiday feasts into mourning, and all your songs into wailing. And I will bring upon every loin, sackcloth; and upon every head, baldness. And I will appoint him as one mourning a beloved one; and the ones with him as a day of grief.

8:11Behold days come, says the lord, and I will send out famine upon the land; not a famine of bread loaves, nor famine of water, but a famine to hear the word of the lord.

8:12And waters shall shake from the sea unto sea. And from north unto east ones shall run about seeking the word of the lord, and in no way should they find.

8:13In that day the fair virgins and the young men will dissipate by thirst.

8:14The ones swearing an oath according to the atonement of Samaria, and ones saying, Your God lives, O Dan; and your God, O Beer-sheba. And they shall fall and in no way should they rise up again.