The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 55

55:1Woe the ones thirsting. Go unto water! And as many as do not have money, proceeding, buy and eat! And go and buy without money! even valuable wine and fatling.

55:2What do you value for money not in bread loaves, and your effort not unto fullness? Hearken to me! and you shall eat good things, and shall revel in good things to your soul.

55:3Take heed with your ears, and follow after my ways! Listen to me! and you shall live with good things for your soul. And I shall ordain with you an eternal covenant -- the sacred things of David, the trustworthy ones.

55:4Behold, I made him a testimony to nations, a ruler and one assigning to nations.

55:5Behold, nations which do not know you shall call upon you, and peoples which have no knowledge of you shall take refuge upon you, because of the lord your God, even the holy one of Israel -- for he glorified you.

55:6Seek the lord! and in the finding call upon him! whenever he should approach to you.

55:7Let the impious one leave his ways, and the lawless man his plans! And let him return unto the lord! and he shall be shown mercy, even from our God, for he will forgive your sins unto much.

55:8For my plans are not as your plans; nor as your ways are my ways, says the lord.

55:9But as the distance the heaven is from the earth, so my way is at a distance from your ways, and your considerations from my mind.

55:10For as whenever the rain or snow should come down from heaven, and in no way shall it return until whenever it should saturate the earth, and the earth should bring forth, and should sprout, and should give seed to the one sowing, and bread for food;

55:11so shall it be with my word, which ever shall come forth from out of my mouth -- in no way shall it return to me empty until whenever it should finish as much as I wanted; and I will prosper your ways and my precepts.

55:12For with gladness you shall go forth, and in joy you shall be led. For the mountains and the hills shall leap out favorably receiving you in joy, and all the trees of the field shall clap with their tender branches.

55:13And instead of a pile, the cypress shall ascend. And instead of the briar the myrtle shall ascend. And the lord will be for a name and for an eternal sign, and it shall not cease.