The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Micah 2

2:1They came devising troubles, and working evils on their beds, and together during the day they complete them; for they lifted not their hands to God.

2:2And they desired fields, and they plundered orphans, and tyrannized households, and plundered a man and his house, a man and his inheritance.

2:3On account of this, thus says the lord, Behold, I devise against this tribe bad things, of which in no way should you lift your necks, and in no way should you be able to go straight; for it is a wicked time.

2:4In that day there shall be taken up against you a parable, and a lament shall be wailed in a strain, saying, With misery we were miserable; the portion of my people was measured out with a measuring line, and there was none restraining him to return. Your fields were divided.

2:5On account of this, there will not be for you one putting a measuring line for a lot in the assembly of the lord.

2:6Weep not tears, nor burst into tears over these things! For he will not thrust away the scorn.

2:7The one saying, The house of Jacob provoked to anger the spirit of the lord; are these his practices? Are not his words good with him, and straight going?

2:8And in former times my people opposed for enmity against his peace; his skin they flayed to remove hope of the conflict of war.

2:9The ones leading my people shall be thrown from out of their luxurious houses. Because of their wicked practices they were pushed out. Approach to everlasting mountains!

2:10Rise up and go! for there is not to you this rest. Because of uncleanness you were corrupted by corruption.

2:11You were pursued by no one pursuing. Your spirit established lying, it trickled you with wine and for strong drink; and it will be from the drop of this people.

2:12In being gathered Jacob shall be brought together with all. In looking out I shall look out for the remnant of Israel. Together I will establish their return, as sheep in affliction; as a flock in the midst of their fold, they leap out because of men.

2:13Ascend through the breach before in front of them! They cut through and went through the gate, and came forth through it; and their king went forth before in front of them; and the lord shall lead them.