The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 37

37:1And Zedekiah son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon gave reign to reign in the land of Judah.

37:2And he hearkened not, and his servants, and the people of the land, of the words of the lord which he spoke by the hand of Jeremiah.

37:3And king Zedekiah sent Jehucal son of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah son of Maaseiah the priest to Jeremiah, saying, Pray concerning us to the lord our God!

37:4And Jeremiah came and went through the middle of the city, and they did not put him into prison.

37:5And the force of Pharaoh came forth from out of Egypt. And the Chaldeans heard the report of them, and they ascended unto Jerusalem.

37:6And came to pass the word of the lord to Jeremiah, saying,

37:7Thus said the lord, the God of Israel; Thus shall you say to the king of Judah, the one sending to you to inquire of me; Behold, the force of Pharaoh coming forth to you for help, they shall return into the land of Egypt.

37:8and the Chaldeans themselves shall return, and they shall wage war against this city, and shall seize it, and shall burn it with fire.

37:9For thus said the lord, You should not undertake the thought in your souls, saying, The Chaldeans shall depart from us running. For in no way shall they depart.

37:10And if you should strike all the force of the Chaldeans, the ones waging war against you, and there should be left behind a certain amount having been stabbed, each in his place, these shall rise up and shall burn this city by fire.

37:11And it came to pass when the force of the Chaldeans ascended from Jerusalem from in front of the force of Pharaoh,

37:12Jeremiah came forth from Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin to buy from there land in the midst of the people.

37:13And he was himself in the gate of Benjamin. And there was there a man by whom he rested up, Irijah, son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah. And he seized Jeremiah, saying, You are fleeing to the Chaldeans.

37:14And he said, It is a lie, I am not fleeing unto the Chaldeans. But he did not listen to him. And Irijah seized Jeremiah, and brought him to the rulers.

37:15And the rulers were embittered over Jeremiah, and they struck him, and they sent him into the house of the prison of Jonathan the scribe. For this they made into a house of a prison.

37:16And Jeremiah came into the house of the pit, and into the confinement, and he stayed there many days.

37:17And Zedekiah sent and called him. And the king asked him secretly, and said to him, Is there a word from the lord? And he said, It is into the hands of the king of Babylon you shall be delivered up.

37:18And Jeremiah said to the king, How did I wrong you, and your servants, and this people, that you put me into a prison house?

37:19And where are your prophets, the ones prophesying to you, saying that, In no way shall the king of Babylon come unto this land?

37:20And now hear indeed O lord, O king! Let mercy fall for me in front of you! And in no way should you return me unto the house of Jonathan the scribe, and in no way should I die there.

37:21And the king ordered, and they put him in the house of the guard, and they gave to him one bread loaf a day from outside of which they baked, until the bread loaves failed from the city. And Jeremiah stayed in the courtyard of the guard.