The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 6

6:1And these are the commandments, and the ordinances, and the judgments, as many as the lord our God gave charge to teach you to do thus in the land into which you enter there to inherit it.

6:2That you should fear the lord our God, to guard all his ordinances and his commandments which I give charge to you today, you and your sons, and the sons of your sons, all the days of your life, that you should prolong your days.

6:3And hear, O Israel, and guard to do! so that good might be to you, and that you should multiply exceedingly, just as the lord God of your fathers spoke to give to you a land flowing milk and honey. And these are the ordinances, and the judgments, as many as the lord gave charge to the sons of Israel in the wilderness, in their coming forth from the land of Egypt.

6:4Hear, O Israel! The lord our God is one Lord.

6:5And you shall love the lord your God with your entire heart, and with your entire soul, and with your entire power.

6:6And these discourses as many as I give charge to you today will be in your heart, and in your soul.

6:7And you shall assist your sons with them, and you shall speak of them sitting down in your house, and going in the way, and lying in bed, and arising.

6:8And you shall affix them for a sign upon your hand, and it shall be unshaken before your eyes.

6:9And you shall write them upon the lintels of your houses, and your gates.

6:10And it will be whenever the lord your God shall bring you into the land which he swore by an oath to your fathers, to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to you the great and good cities which you did not build;

6:11houses full of all good things which you did not fill up; pits of quarrying which you did not quarry; vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant; and eating and being filled up;

6:12take heed to yourself! that you should not forget the lord your God. the one leading you from the land of Egypt, from out of a house of slavery.

6:13You shall fear the lord your God, and to him only you shall serve, and to him you shall cleave to, and by his name you shall swear an oath by.

6:14You shall not go after other gods of the gods of the nations surrounding you.

6:15For the lord your God is a jealous God among you, lest being provoked to anger the lord your God should be enraged against you, and should utterly destroy you from the face of the earth.

6:16You shall not put to test the lord your God in which manner you put to test in Test.

6:17Guarding, you shall guard the commandments of the lord your God, and his testimonies, and his ordinances, as many as he gave charge to you.

6:18And you shall do the pleasing and the good before the lord your God, that it should be good to you, and you should enter, and should inherit the good land which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers,

6:19to drive out all your enemies before your face, as the lord spoke.

6:20And it will be whenever your son should ask you tomorrow, saying, What are the testimonies, and the ordinances, and the judgments, as many as the lord our God gave charge to us?

6:21And you shall say to your son, We were servants to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt, and the lord led us from there by a fortified hand and with a high arm.

6:22And the lord executed signs and great and severe miracles in Egypt to Pharaoh, and to his house in our presence.

6:23And the lord led us from there, that he should bring us, to give to us this land which the lord our God swore by an oath to our fathers to give to us.

6:24And the lord gave charge to us to do all these ordinances, to fear the lord our God, that good might be to us all the days, that we should live as even today.

6:25And mercy will be to us, if we guard to do all the commandments of this law before the lord our God, as he gave charge to us.