The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Numbers 15

15:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

15:2Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, Whenever you should enter into the land of your dwelling, which I give to you,

15:3and you shall offer yield offerings to the lord, or a whole burnt-offering, or sacrifice offering to magnify a vow, or concerning a voluntary offering, or in your holiday feasts, you shall offer a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord, either from the oxen or from the sheep.

15:4That the one offering shall bring his gift to the lord being a sacrifice of fine flour -- the tenth of the ephah, being prepared in olive oil, in a fourth of the hin.

15:5And wine for a libation offering, the fourth of the hin, you shall offer upon the whole burnt-offering, or upon the sacrifice offering to the one lamb.

15:6And for the ram, whenever you offer it for a whole burnt-offering or for a sacrifice offering, you shall prepare a sacrifice of fine flour -- two tenths being prepared in olive oil, the third of the hin.

15:7And wine for a libation, the third of the hin, you shall offer for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

15:8But if from the oxen you should offer for a whole burnt-offering, or for a sacrifice offering to magnify a vow, or for a deliverance offering to the lord,

15:9then he shall bring with the calf for a sacrifice offering of fine flour, three tenths being prepared in olive oil, a half of the hin.

15:10And the wine for a libation, the half of the hin -- a yield offering scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

15:11Thus you shall offer for the one calf, or the one ram, or the one lamb from the sheep, or a kid of the goats.

15:12According to the number which ever you should offer, so you shall do to the one, according to their number.

15:13Every native born shall offer thus, such as to bring yield offerings for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

15:14And if a foreigner among you should unite in your land, or who ever was born to you among your generations, and he shall offer a yield offering scent of pleasant aroma to the lord, in which manner you do yourselves -- so shall the congregation offer to the lord.

15:15One law will be to you and to the foreigners lying near to you, an eternal law unto your generations. As you, also the foreigner will be before the lord.

15:16There shall be one law, and there shall be one ordinance to you and to the foreigner lying near to you.

15:17And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

15:18Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, In your entering into the land, into which I bring you there,

15:19that it will be whenever you yourselves should eat from the bread loaves of the land, you shall remove a cut-away portion as a separation offering to the lord, a first-fruit of your batch of dough.

15:20You shall separate bread as a cut-away portion to him. As a cut-away portion from the threshing-floor, thus shall you remove it.

15:21As first-fruit of your batch, even you shall give it to the lord as cut-away portion for your generations.

15:22And whenever you should miss entirely, and should not observe all these commandments which the lord spoke to Moses;

15:23as the lord gave orders for you by the hand of Moses, from the day of which the lord gave orders to you and beyond unto your generations;

15:24that it shall be if from the eyes of the congregation it should happen unintentionally, then all the congregation shall offer one calf from the oxen, unblemished, for a whole burnt-offering, for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord, and this sacrifice offering, and its libation, according to its arrangement, and one winter yearling from out of the goats for a sin offering.

15:25And the priest shall make atonement for all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them, for it is unintentional. And they brought their gift, a yield offering to the lord for their sins, before the lord for their unintentional sins.

15:26And to all the congregation of the sons of Israel it shall be forgiven, and to the foreigner lying near to you, for to all the people it is unintentional.

15:27And if one soul should sin unintentionally, he shall lead forward one goat of a year old for a sin offering.

15:28And the priest shall atone for the soul of the one acting unintentionally, and sinning unintentionally before the lord, to atone for him, and to forgive him.

15:29To the native inhabitant among the sons of Israel, and to the foreigner lying near to them, there shall be one law to them, who ever should do it unintentionally.

15:30And the soul who shall do a thing by hand through pride -- of the native born, or of the foreigners -- this one provokes God, and that soul shall be utterly destroyed from out of its people,

15:31for the word of the lord he treated as worthless, and his commandments he effaced; by obliteration that soul shall be obliterated; his sin be on him.

15:32And the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, and they found a man collecting together wood on the day of the Sabbath.

15:33And the ones finding him collecting wood led him forward to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation of the sons of Israel.

15:34And they put him under guard, for they did not interpret what they should do with him.

15:35And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, Unto death put to death the man! You shall stone him with stones -- all the congregation outside the camp.

15:36And all the congregation led him outside the camp; and they stoned him, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

15:37And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

15:38Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, and let them make for themselves decorative hems upon the borders of their cloaks throughout their generations. And you shall place upon the decorative hems of the borders yarn of blue.

15:39And it will be to you in the decorative hems, that as you shall see them, then all the commandments of the lord shall be remembered. And you shall do them, and you shall not turn aside after your own considerations, and after your eyes in which you fornicate after them,

15:40so that you should remember and should do all my commandments. And you shall be holy to your God.

15:41I am the lord your God, the one leading you from out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. I am the lord your God.