The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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John 5

5:1After these was a holiday of the Jews, and Jesus ascended unto Jerusalem.

5:2And there is in Jerusalem at the sheep gate a pool, the one being called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five stoas.

5:3In these reclined a great multitude being weak, blind, lame, withered, looking out for the movement of the water.

5:4For an angel at times came down in the pool, and disturbed the water. The one then first stepping in after the disturbance of the water became sound in whatsoever disease he was held.

5:5And there was a certain man there thirty and eight years being held in his feebleness.

5:6Jesus seeing this one reclining, and knowing that already a long time he was held, says to him, Do you want to be sound?

5:7Answered him the one being invalid, O Lord, I have no man, that whenever the water should be disturbed should lay me in the pool; but in which time I come, another before me descends.

5:8Jesus says to him, Arise, lift your litter and walk!

5:9And immediately the man became in health, and he lifted his litter, and walked. And it was the Sabbath on that day.

5:10Then said the Jews to the one being cured, It is a Sabbath, it is not allowed for you to carry the litter.

5:11He responded to them, The one making me in health, that one told me, Carry your litter, and walk!

5:12Then they asked him, Who is the man having said to you, Carry your litter and walk?

5:13But the one having been healed knew not who it is, for Jesus turned away, of a multitude being in the place.

5:14After these things Jesus finds him in the temple, and he said to him, See, you are in health, no longer sin, that nothing worse should happen to you!

5:15The man went forth, and announced to the Jews that Jesus is the one making him in health.

5:16And on account of this the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill him; for these things he did on a Sabbath.

5:17But Jesus answered to them, My father works until now, and I work.

5:18On account of this then more the Jews sought to kill him, for not only he untied the Sabbath, but also called God his own father, making himself equal to God.

5:19Then answered Jesus, and he said to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, The son is not able to do of himself anything, unless what he should see the father doing; for what ever that one should do, these also the son in like manner does.

5:20For the father is fond of the son, and shows to him all things which he does; and greater works than these he will show to him, that you should marvel.

5:21For as the father raises the dead, and restores to life; so also the son, whom he wants, he restores to life.

5:22For neither the father judges any one, but all judgment he has given to the son;

5:23that all should esteem the son, as they esteem the father. The one not esteeming the son, esteems not the father sending him.

5:24Amen, amen, I say to you, that the one hearing my word, and trusting in the one sending me, has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has crossed over from death unto life.

5:25Amen, amen, I say to you, that there comes an hour, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God, and the ones hearing shall live.

5:26For as the father has life in himself, so he gave also to the son to have life in himself;

5:27and he gave authority to him even to execute judgment, for he is son of man.

5:28Do not wonder at this! For comes an hour in which all the ones in the tombs shall hear his voice,

5:29and they shall exit; the ones doing good things unto a resurrection of life; but the ones acting heedlessly unto a resurrection of judgment.

5:30Not am I able to do of myself anything. As I hear I judge; and my judgment is just, for I do not seek my will, but the will of the father sending me forth.

5:31If I testify concerning myself, my testimony is not true.

5:32There is another - the one testifying concerning me. And I know that the testimony is true which he testifies concerning me.

5:33You have sent to John, and he testifies the truth.

5:34But I do not receive the testimony from man, and these things I say, that you should be delivered.

5:35That one was the lamp burning and shining, and you wanted to exult for an hour in his light.

5:36But I have the testimony greater than John; for the works which the father gave me that I should perfect them, the works themselves which I do testify concerning me, that the father has sent me.

5:37And the father sending me forth, he has testified concerning me. Neither his voice have you heard at any time, nor his appearance have you seen.

5:38And his word you have not abiding in you. For the one whom that one sent, in this one you do not believe.

5:39You search the scriptures that you think in them to have eternal life, and these are the ones testifying concerning me.

5:40And you do not want to come to me, that you should have life.

5:41Glory from men I receive not.

5:42But I have known you, that the love of God you have not in yourselves.

5:43I have come in the name of my father, and you did not receive me. If another should come in his own name, that one you will receive.

5:44How are you able to believe, receiving glory from one another, and the glory, the one from the only God you do not seek?

5:45Do not think that I accuse you to the father! there is the one accusing you -- Moses, in whom you hope.

5:46For if you believed Moses, you would have believed in me; for concerning me that one wrote.

5:47But if in that one's letters you believe not, how shall you believe in my sayings?