The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 27

27:1And you shall make an altar from out of incorruptible woods, of five cubits the length, and five cubits the breadth. The altar will be four-cornered, and its height three cubits.

27:2And you shall make the horns upon the four corners. The horns will be part of it. And you shall cover them in brass.

27:3And you shall make a rim for the altar. And its lid, and its bowls, and its meat hooks, and its censer, and all its utensils you shall make of brass.

27:4And you shall make for it a latticed brass grate work. And you shall make for the grate four rings of brass upon the four sides.

27:5And you shall place them under the grate of the altar from below. And the grate will be for half the altar.

27:6And you shall make for the altar bearing poles from out of incorruptible woods, and you shall brass plate them in brass.

27:7And you shall bring the bearing poles into the rings; and let the bearing poles be according to the sides of the altar in the lifting it!

27:8You shall make it hollow planked; according to the holding forth of the example to you on the mountain -- thus you shall make it.

27:9And you shall make a courtyard for the tent in the side, the one towards the south, and shrouds for the courtyard from out of linen being twined, the length a hundred cubits to the one side.

27:10And their posts -- twenty; and their bases -- twenty, of brass; and their hooks, and their clips made of silver.

27:11So also to the side towards the north you shall make shrouds a hundred cubits in length, and their posts -- twenty; and their bases -- twenty, made of brass; and their hooks, and the clips for the posts, and the bases being silver plated with silver metal.

27:12And the breadth of the courtyard by the west with shrouds of fifty cubits, their posts -- ten; and their bases -- ten.

27:13And the breadth of the courtyard towards the east with shrouds of fifty cubits; their posts -- ten, and their bases -- ten.

27:14And fifteen cubits for the shrouds is to be the height for the one side; their posts -- three, and their bases -- three.

27:15And for the second side fifteen cubits for the shrouds is to be the height; their posts -- three, and their bases -- three.

27:16And in the gate of the courtyard a covering twenty cubits in height, from out of blue and purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen being twined in the embroidery of the stitcher; their posts -- four, and their bases -- four.

27:17All the posts of the courtyard round about being plated in silver, and their tips made of silver, and their bases of brass.

27:18And the length of the courtyard -- a hundred by a hundred. And the breadth -- fifty by fifty. And the height -- five cubits from out of linen being twined. And their bases were of brass.

27:19And all the furniture, and all the work tools, and the stanchions of the courtyard were of brass.

27:20And you give orders to the sons of Israel! And let them take to you olive oil from olive trees free from impurities! being beaten pure for a light, that a lamp should burn always.

27:21In the tent of the testimony, from outside the veil, the one by the covenant -- Aaron shall burn it and his sons from evening until morning before the lord; for an eternal law unto your generations by the sons of Israel.