The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Numbers 23

23:1And Balaam said to Balak, Build for me here seven shrines, and prepare for me here seven calves, and seven rams!

23:2And Balak did in which manner Balaam said to him. And he offered a calf and ram upon the shrine.

23:3And Balaam said to Balak, You stand beside your sacrifice! and I shall go and see if God shall appear to meet with me. And the saying which ever he shall show to me I shall announce to you. And he went straight.

23:4And God appeared to Balaam. And Balaam said to him, The seven shrines I prepared, and I brought a calf and ram unto the shrine.

23:5And God put a word into the mouth of Balaam, and he said, Turning towards Balak thus you shall speak.

23:6And he returned to him, and thus he stood over his whole burnt-offerings, and all the rulers of Moab with him.

23:7And taking up his parable, he said, From out of Mesopotamia Balak king of Moab fetched me, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come curse for me Jacob! and, Come accurse to me Israel!

23:8How shall I curse whom the lord does not curse? And how shall I imprecate maledictions upon whom God does not imprecate maledictions upon?

23:9For from the top of mountains I shall see him; and from hills I shall pay attention to him. Behold, a people shall dwell alone, and among nations they shall not be reckoned together.

23:10Who determined exactly the seed of Jacob, and who shall count out peoples of Israel? May my soul die among souls of the just, and may my seed become as the seed of this.

23:11And Balak said to Balaam, What have you done to me? For a curse for my enemies I have called you, and behold, you have blessed a blessing.

23:12And Balaam said to Balak, Is it not as many things as God should put in my mouth this I will guard to speak?

23:13And Balak said to him, Come yet with me to another place of which you shall not see it from there, but only a certain part of it shall you see, but in no way should you see all, and you curse it for me from there!

23:14And he took him into a field -- a height upon the top of a place for dressing stone; and he built there seven shrines, and brought a calf and ram unto the shrine.

23:15And Balaam said to Balak, Stand beside your sacrifice! and I shall go to ask God.

23:16And God met with Balaam, and he put a word into his mouth. And said, Return to Balak! and thus you shall speak.

23:17And he returned to him. And thus he was standing beside his whole burnt-offering, and the rulers of Moab with him. And Balak said to him, What said the lord?

23:18And taking up his parable, he said, Rise up, O Balak, and hear! Give ear, O witness son of Zippor!

23:19God is not as a man to waver, nor as a son of man to be threatened. He in speaking, shall he not do? Shall he speak, and not adhere to?

23:20Behold, I have taken to myself to bless. I will bless and in no way shall I turn back.

23:21There shall not be trouble in Jacob, nor shall misery appear in Israel. The lord his God is with him, the honorable ones of the rulers are with him.

23:22God was the one leading him out of Egypt; as the glory of his unicorn.

23:23For there is no omen in Jacob, nor divination in Israel. In time it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God shall complete.

23:24Behold, the people as a cub shall raise up, and as a lion it shall prance; It shall not go to sleep until it shall eat game, and the blood of the slain it shall drink.

23:25And Balak said to Balaam, Neither in curses shall you curse him, nor blessings shall you bless him.

23:26And Balaam answering said to Balak, Did I not speak to you, saying, The word which ever God should speak, this I will do?

23:27And Balak said to Balaam, Come, I should take you unto another place, if it should please God, and curse him for me from there!

23:28And Balak took Balaam upon the top of Peor, the part extending into the wilderness.

23:29And Balaam said to Balak, Build for me here seven shrines, and prepare for me here seven calves, and seven rams!

23:30And Balak did just as Balaam said to him, and he bore a calf and a ram unto the shrine.