The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 22

22:1Men, brethren, and fathers, hear my defense to you now!

22:2And hearing that in the Hebrew dialect he called out to them, the more they made rest.

22:3And he says, I indeed am a man, a Jew, being born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but being reared in this city by the feet of Gamaliel, being instructed according to the exactness of the paternal law, being zealous of God, as all you are today;

22:4one who persecuted this way unto death, binding and delivering up unto prisons both men and women;

22:5as also the chief priest bears witness to me, and all the council of elders; by whom also letters having received, I went to the brethren in Damascus, for leading also the ones at that place being bound unto Jerusalem, that they should be punished.

22:6And it happened to me going and approaching to Damascus around midday, suddenly from out of the heaven flashed about a light, a fit amount around me.

22:7And I fell onto the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?

22:8And I answered, Who are you, O Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you persecute.

22:9And the ones being with me indeed saw a light, and became thrown into fear; but they did not hear the voice of the one speaking to me.

22:10And I said, What shall I do, O Lord? And the Lord said to me, Having risen up, go unto Damascus! and there it shall be told to you concerning all the things which is arranged for you to do.

22:11And as I did not look at anything because of the glory of that light, being led by the hand by the ones being with me, I came unto Damascus.

22:12And a certain Ananias, a pious man according to the law, borne witness to by all the Jews dwelling in Damascus,

22:13having come to me, and having stood by, said to me, O brother Saul, look up! And I the same hour looked up on him.

22:14And he said, The God of our fathers handpicked you to know his will, and to behold the just one, and to hear the voice from out of his mouth;

22:15for you will be a witness to him to all men of what you have seen and heard.

22:16And now, why be about to? Having arisen, be immersed and wash off your sins, calling upon the name of the Lord.

22:17And it happened to me in returning unto Jerusalem, and my praying in the temple, there took place in me a change of state,

22:18and beholding him saying to me, Hasten and go forth quickly from Jerusalem! because they will not welcome your testimony concerning me.

22:19And I said, O Lord, they know that I was casting into prison and flaying against the synagogues of the ones believing upon you.

22:20And when the blood of Stephen your witness was poured out, also I myself was standing by, and assenting with his removal, guarding the garments of the ones doing away with him.

22:21And he said to me, Go! for I shall send you unto nations far off!

22:22And they heard him until this word, and they lifted up their voice, saying, Take such a one from the earth! for it is not fit for him to live.

22:23And of their crying out, and tossing their garments, and throwing dust into the air,

22:24the commander bid him to be led unto the camp, having said, Investigate him with whips, that we should know for what reason thus they sounded out against him.

22:25And as they stretched him forward with the straps, Paul said to the centurion standing, Is it allowed for you to crack the whip on a Roman man and uncondemned?

22:26And hearing, the centurion came forward to report to the commander, saying, Look to what you are about to do! for this man is a Roman.

22:27And having come forward, the commander said to him, Tell me if you are a Roman? And he said, Yes.

22:28And the commander responded, I by a great sum acquired this citizenship. And Paul said, But I even was born to it.

22:29Then immediately the ones being about to investigate him abstained from him. And the commander also feared, realizing that he is a Roman, and that he was tied up by him.

22:30And the next day, wanting to know safely why he is charged by the Jews, he loosed him from the bonds, and bid the chief priests to come and all their sanhedrin; and leading down Paul, he stood him among them.