The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 21

21:1And when it came to pass, we embarked, having drawn away from them, having run direct, we came unto Cos; and the next day unto Rhodes, and from there unto Patara.

21:2And having found a boat passing through unto Phoenicia, having set foot on it we embarked.

21:3And Cyprus having appeared, and having left it on the left, we sailed unto Syria, and led down unto Tyre; for at that place the boat was unloading the cargo.

21:4And having discovered the disciples, we remained there seven days, the ones who said to Paul through the spirit, not to ascend unto Jerusalem.

21:5But when it happened we accomplished the days, having gone forth we went, with all the women and children escorting us as far as outside the city. And setting the knees upon the shore, we prayed.

21:6And having saluted one another, we mounted into the boat; and those returned to their own.

21:7And we having concluded the voyage from Tyre, arrived at Ptolemais. And having saluted the brethren, we abode one day with them.

21:8And the next day, the ones around Paul having gone forth, they came unto Caesarea. And having entered into the house of Philip the Evangelist, being one of the seven, we stayed with him.

21:9And to this man there were four virgin daughters who prophesied.

21:10And of our remaining there many days, there came down a certain one from Judea, a prophet, by name Agabus.

21:11And having come to us, and having taken the belt of Paul, and having bound his hands and feet, he said, Thus says the holy spirit, The man of which is this belt, so shall the Jews in Jerusalem bind, and they shall deliver him up into the hands of the nations.

21:12And when we heard these things, both we and the ones of that place appealed for him to not ascend unto Jerusalem.

21:13And Paul responded, Why do you cause weeping and breaking of my heart? For I not only to be bound, but also readily hold to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.

21:14And he not being persuaded, we were still, having said, The will of the Lord, let it be!

21:15And after these days, having packed up, we ascended unto Jerusalem.

21:16And came together also some of the disciples from Caesarea with us, bringing the one with whom we should lodge, a certain Mnason, a Cypriot, a disciple of old.

21:17And of our being in Jerusalem, the brethren gladly received us.

21:18And the following day Paul enters with us to James; and all the elders arrived.

21:19And having greeted them, he described according to each one what God did among the nations through his service.

21:20And they having heard, glorified the Lord. And they said to him, You view, O brother, how many myriads of believing Jews there are, and all being zealous of the law.

21:21And they instruct concerning you that you teach all the Jews among the nations defection from Moses, saying not to circumcise their children, nor to walk in the customs.

21:22What then is it? Assuredly it is necessary for a multitude to come together; for they shall hear that you have come.

21:23This then do what we tell you! There are with us four men having a vow upon themselves;

21:24taking these, be purified with them, and spend for them, that they may shave the head! and all should know that of which they have been instructed concerning you is nothing, but you conform to keeping the law even yourself.

21:25But concerning the ones believing of the nations, we wrote, judging them to give heed to no such thing, except to keep themselves from both that sacrificed to idols, and the blood, and what is strangled, and harlotry.

21:26Then Paul, having taken the men the next day, with them having been purified, he entered into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, while the offering was offered for each one of them.

21:27And when the seven days were about to be completed, the Jews from Asia, having seen him in the temple, caused a tumult with all the multitude, and they put hands upon him,

21:28crying out, Men, Israelites, help! This is the man, the one teaching all everywhere against the people and the law and this place; still indeed even Greeks he brings into the temple, and makes this holy place unclean.

21:29For they were seeing Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they thought that Paul brought into the temple.

21:30And the entire city was shaken up indeed, and there became a stampede of people. And having taken hold of Paul, they drew him outside the temple; and immediately they locked the doors.

21:31And seeking to kill him, a report ascended to the commander of the cohort, that all Jerusalem was in tumult.

21:32Who immediately having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them. And the ones beholding the commander and the soldiers, ceased beating Paul.

21:33And having approached, the commander took hold of him, and bid him to be tied with two chains, and to inquire about who he may be, and what he is doing.

21:34And others to another were yelling in the multitude. And not being able to know safely because of the tumult, he bid them to lead him unto the camp.

21:35And when he was at the stairs, it happened that he was borne by the soldiers because of the force of the multitude.

21:36For the multitude of the people followed crying out, Take him away!

21:37And being about to be brought into the camp, Paul says to the commander, Is it allowed for me to speak to you? And he said, You know Greek?

21:38Are you not then the Egyptian who before these days overthrew, and led out into the wilderness the four thousand men of the Sicari?

21:39And Paul said, I am a man indeed, I am a Jew of Tarsus of Cilicia, a citizen of not an unmarked city; and I beseech you commit it to my care to speak to the people.

21:40And he having permitted, Paul standing upon the stairs, waved his hand to the people; and with a great quietness having taken place, he called out in the Hebrew dialect, saying,