The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 2

A psalm to David.

2:1Why did nations neigh, and peoples meditate upon vain things?

2:2The kings of the earth stood by, and the rulers gathered together against the lord and against his anointed one,

2:3We should tear up their bonds, and we should throw away from us their yoke.

2:4The one dwelling in heavens derides them, and the lord ridicules them.

2:5Then he shall speak to them in his anger; and in his rage he will disturb them.

2:6But I was placed king by him over mount Zion, his holy place;

2:7declaring the order of the lord. The lord said to me, you are my son, I today engendered you.

2:8Ask from me! and I will give to you nations for your inheritance; and for your possession the ends of the earth.

2:9You shall tend them with a rod of iron; as vessels of a potter you shall break them.

2:10And now, O kings, perceive! Let all the ones judging the earth be instructed!

2:11Serve to the lord in fear, and exult to him with trembling!

2:12Grab instruction! lest at any time you should provoke the lord to anger, and you shall perish from the just way, whenever his rage should be kindled quickly. Blessed are all the ones yielding upon him.