The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 64

64:1If you should open the heaven, mountains trembling will take hold from you, and they shall melt away;

64:2as beeswax from fire shall melt away. And fire shall incinerate the adversaries, and your name will be for distinction among the adversaries. From in front of you nations shall be disturbed.

64:3Whenever you should do the honorable things trembling shall take hold of mountains.

64:4From the eon we heard not, nor our eyes beheld a God besides you, and your works which you shall do to the ones waiting for mercy.

64:5For he shall meet with the ones doing justice, and your ways shall be remembered. Behold, you have been provoked to anger, and we sinned; on account of this we were wandered.

64:6And we all became as unclean. All our righteousness is as a menstrual rag sitting apart. And we flowed away as leaves on account of our lawless deeds; thus the wind shall bear us away.

64:7And there is no one calling upon your name, nor one remembering to take hold of you. For you turned your face from us, and you delivered us up because of our sins.

64:8And now, O lord, you are our father; and we are mortar, we are all works of your hands.

64:9You should not be provoked to anger with us very much, and our sins should not be remembered for a long time. And now, look upon us, O lord, for we are all your people!

64:10The city of your holiness became desolate. Zion became as desolate. Jerusalem for a curse.

64:11The house our holy place, and the glory which our fathers blessed, became scorched, and all our honorable things are cast down.

64:12And over all these things you endured, O lord, and kept silent, and humbled us very much.