The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 69

To the director; for the changings; a psalm to David.

69:1Deliver me, O God! for the waters entered into my soul.

69:2I was stuck in deep slime, and there is no support. I came to the depths of the sea, and the gale sank me.

69:3I tired crying out; my throat is sore. My eyes failed from my hope upon my God.

69:4The ones detesting me multiplied over the hairs of my head. Freely my enemies were strengthened, the ones driving me out unjustly; then I paid for what I did not seize by force.

69:5O God, you know my folly, and my trespasses, they are not concealed from you.

69:6May the ones waiting upon you not be ashamed over me, O lord, O lord of the forces. May the ones seeking you not feel shame over me, O God of Israel.

69:7For because of you I endured scorning; shame covered my face.

69:8I was one being separated from my brethren, and a stranger to the sons of my mother.

69:9For the zeal of your house devoured me, and the scornings of the ones berating you fell upon me.

69:10And I covered my soul in fasting, and it became for scornings to me.

69:11And I put on sackcloth for my garment, and I became to them as a parable.

69:12The ones sitting down at the gates meditated against me; and against me they strummed, even the ones drinking wine.

69:13But I will cry in my prayer to you, O lord, at a time of benevolence. O God, in the multitude of your mercies heed me in the truth of your deliverance!

69:14Deliver me from mud! that I should not be stuck. May I be rescued from the ones detesting me, and from the depths of the waters.

69:15Let not the gale of water sink me, nor let the deep swallow me, nor let the well constrain its mouth over me!

69:16Listen to me, O lord, for your mercy is gracious! According to the multitude of your compassions look upon me!

69:17You should not turn your face from your servant, for I am afflicted. Quickly heed me!

69:18Take heed to my soul, and ransom it! Rescue me because of my enemies!

69:19For you know my scorning, and my shame, and my remorse. Before you are all the ones afflicting me.

69:20My soul expected scorning and misery; and I remained behind for one grieving, and he did not exist; and for ones comforting, but I did not find.

69:21And they gave bile for my food; and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

69:22Let their table before them become as a snare, and for a recompense, and for an obstacle!

69:23Let their eyes be darkened to not see, and their back always bent downwards!

69:24Pour out upon them your anger! and may the rage of your anger overtake them.

69:25Let their property become having been made desolate! and let there not be one dwelling in their tents!

69:26For whom you struck, they pursued; and they added to the pain of my wounds.

69:27Add lawlessness upon their lawlessness! and let not your righteousness enter in!

69:28Let them be wiped away from out of the book of the living! and let them not be written with the just!

69:29I am poor and aching; your deliverance, O God, may it take hold of me.

69:30I will praise the name of my God with an ode; I shall magnify him in praise,

69:31and it shall please God above a young calf bringing forth horns and hoofs.

69:32Let the poor see and let them be glad! Inquire of God! and your soul shall live.

69:33For the lord listens to the needy; and the ones of his being shackled he does not treat with contempt.

69:34Let the heavens praise him, and the earth, sea, and all the things crawling in her!

69:35For God shall deliver Zion, and the cities of Judea shall be built up. And they shall dwell there, and they shall inherit her.

69:36And the seed of your servants shall hold her; and the ones loving his name shall encamp in her.