The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 19

19:1And in the third month of the exodus of the sons of Israel from the land Egypt, on this day they came into the wilderness of Sinai.

19:2And they lifted away from Rephidim, and came into the wilderness of Sinai, and Israel camped there over against the mountain.

19:3And Moses ascended into the mountain of God. And God called him from the mountain, saying, Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel,

19:4You have seen as much as I have done to them -- to the Egyptians. And I took you as upon wings of eagles, and led you to myself.

19:5And now, if in hearing, you should hear my voice, and guard my covenant, you will be to me a prized people from all the nations. For all the earth is mine.

19:6And you shall be to me a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. These words you shall say to the sons of Israel.

19:7And Moses came, and called the elders of the people, and placed near them all these words which God gave orders to them.

19:8And all the people answered with one accord, and said, All, as much as God said, we shall do, and we shall hearken. And Moses offered the words of the people to God.

19:9And the lord said to Moses, Behold, I come to you in a column of cloud, that the people may hear me speaking to you, and may trust you into the eon. And Moses announced the words of the people to the lord.

19:10And the lord said to Moses, In going down, testify to the people, and purify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments!

19:11And let them be prepared for the third day! For on the third day the lord shall come down upon mount Sinai before all the people.

19:12And you shall separate the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves ascending unto the mountain, and any lightly touching of it. All touching the mountain, by death he will come to an end.

19:13His hand shall not touch it, for with stones they shall be stoned or with an arrow they shall be shot; if it be also cattle, or if it be also man, he shall not live. And whenever the voices, and the trumpets, and the cloud go forth from the mountain, they shall ascend to the mountain.

19:14And Moses went down from the mountain to the people, and sanctified them. And they washed their garments.

19:15And he said to the people, Be prepared three days, come forward not to a woman.

19:16And it came to pass on the third day, happening towards dawn, and there were voices, and lightnings, and overcast clouds upon mount Sinai; the voice of the trumpet sounded greatly, and all the people in the camp were terrified.

19:17And Moses led the people for a meeting with God from the camp. And they stood by the mountain.

19:18The mount Sinai smoked entirely on account of God coming down upon it in fire. And the smoke ascended as smoke of a furnace. And all the people were exceedingly amazed.

19:19And there were the sounds of the trumpet advancing strong -- exceedingly. Moses spoke, and God answered to him by voice.

19:20And the lord came down upon mount Sinai, upon the top of the mountain. And the lord called Moses unto the top of the mountain; and Moses ascended.

19:21And God said to Moses, saying, Go down to testify to the people! lest at any time they should approach to God to contemplate, and a multitude of them should fall.

19:22And the priests, the ones approaching to the lord God, let them be sanctified! lest at any time the lord should get rid of them.

19:23And Moses said to God, the people shall not be able to ascend to mount Sinai, for you testified to us, saying, Separate from the mountain and sanctify it!

19:24And the lord said to him, Proceed, go down, and then ascend, you and Aaron with you! But the priests and the people shall not use force to ascend to God, lest at any time the lord should destroy some of them.

19:25And Moses went down to the people, and spoke to them.