The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Micah 4

4:1And at the last of the days the mountain of the lord will be apparent, readied upon the tops of the mountains, and it shall rise up high above the hills; and peoples shall hasten to it.

4:2And many nations shall go, and shall say, Come, we should ascend unto the mountain of the lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob; and they shall show us his way, and we shall go by his roads. For from out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the lord from out of Jerusalem.

4:3And he shall judge between many peoples, and shall completely refute strong nations unto afar. And they shall cut their broadswords into plows, and their spears into sickles. And no longer should a nation raise up a broadsword against a nation, and no longer should they learn to wage war.

4:4And each shall rest underneath his grapevine, and each underneath his fig-tree. And there shall not be one frightening them, because the mouth of the lord almighty spoke these things.

4:5For all the peoples shall go each in his own way; but we shall go in the name of the lord our God into the eon and beyond.

4:6In that day, says the lord, I will gather together her being broken, and her being thrust away. I will take in even whom I thrusted away.

4:7And I will make her being broken into a vestige, and her being thrust away into a mighty nation. And the lord shall reign over them on mount Zion, from the present and unto the eon.

4:8And you, O tower of the flock, austere daughter of Zion, unto you shall come, and shall enter in the head of the foremost kingdom of Babylon to the daughter of Jerusalem.

4:9And now, why did you know bad things? Was not a king in you? Or has your counsel perished? For your pangs hold firmly as one giving birth.

4:10Travail, and take courage, O daughter of Zion, as the one giving birth! For now you shall come forth from the city, and shall encamp in the plain, and shall come unto Babylon. From there he shall rescue you, and from there he shall ransom you, the lord your God, from the hand of your enemies.

4:11And now many nations were assembled against you, saying, We shall rejoice and scrutinize over Zion with our eyes.

4:12But they knew not the devices of the lord, and perceived not his counsel. For he gathered them as sheaves for the threshing-floor.

4:13Rise up and thresh them, O daughter of Zion! For I will make your horns iron, and your hoofs I will make brass, and I will dissolve many peoples. And you shall present to the lord their abundance, even their strength to the lord of all the earth.