The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 46

46:1And came to pass the word of the lord to Jeremiah the prophet against all nations,

46:2against Egypt, against the force of Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt, who was at the river Euphrates in Carchemish, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon struck, which was in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah.

46:3Take up weapons and shields, and lead forward to battle!

46:4Saddle the horses, mount up the horsemen, and put on your helmets! Furbish the spears, and put on your chest plates!

46:5Why is it that they are terrified and retreat to the rear? because their strong ones shall be beaten; they fled a flight into exile, and they shall not return compassing round about, says the lord.

46:6Let not the nimble flee, and let not the strong be rescued by the north! The ones by the river Euphrates are weakened and have fallen.

46:7What is this that shall ascend as a river, even as rivers swell up by water?

46:8The waters of Egypt shall ascend as a river; and he said, I will ascend and cover up the earth; and I will destroy the city and the ones dwelling in it.

46:9Mount upon the horses and prepare the chariots! Let come forth the warriors of Ethiopia, and Libyans armed with shields! And ascend, O Lydians, stretch tight the bow!

46:10And that day will be to the lord God of the forces a day of vengeance, to take vengeance on his enemies. And the sword shall devour, and be filled, and be intoxicated from their blood. For there is a sacrifice to the lord of Hosts upon a land of the north at the river Euphrates.

46:11Ascend to Gilead, and take balm to the virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain you multiplied your cures; there is no benefit to you.

46:12The nations heard your voice, and the earth was filled with your cry. For warrior against warrior is weakened together, both fell.

46:13What the lord spoke by the hand of Jeremiah the prophet concerning the coming of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to smite the land of Egypt.

46:14Announce in Egypt, and make audible in Migdol, and exhort in Memphis! And in Tahpanhes say! Attend to and prepare! for the sword devoured your yew tree.

46:15Why did he flee after your chosen calf? He remained not, for the lord disabled him.

46:16And your multitude weakened and fell; and each said to his neighbor, We should rise up and return to our people and unto our fatherland, from the face of the Grecian sword.

46:17Call the name Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt, Saon Esbeie Moed.

46:18As I live, says the king, the lord of the forces, for as Tabor is in the mountains, and as Carmel is by the sea, he shall come.

46:19Make for yourself items for settlement, O one dwelling, O daughter of Egypt. For Memphis will be for extinction, and shall be called, Woe, by there not existing ones dwelling in her.

46:20Egypt is a heifer being bedecked, a broken branch from the north came upon her.

46:21And her hirelings in her are as calves well fed, being maintained in her; for also they turned and fled with one accord. They did not stand, for the day of destruction came upon them, and the time of their punishment.

46:22Her voice is as a serpent hissing, for they shall go in sand. With axes they shall come upon her as ones felling wood.

46:23You cut down her forest! says the lord. For in no way should their number be imagined; for it is multiplied above the locust, and there is no number to them.

46:24The daughter of Egypt shall be disgraced. She is delivered into the hands of the people from the north.

46:25Says the lord of the forces, the God of Israel, Behold, I punish Amon her son by Egypt, and upon her gods, and upon her kings, and upon Pharaoh, and upon the ones relying upon him.

46:26And I will give them into the hand of the ones seeking their life, and into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants. And after these things it shall be as in the old days, says the lord.

46:27But you should not be fearful, my servant Jacob, nor should you be terrified Israel. For behold, I deliver you from far off, and your seed from their captivity. And Jacob shall return, and shall be tranquil, and shall sleep, and there will not be one troubling him.

46:28You should not fear, my child, Jacob, says the lord, For I am with you. For I will appoint consummation among every nation in which I led you out of there. But you in no way will I appoint to cease, and I will correct you in judgment; but I will not acquit you as innocent.