The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Genesis 8

8:1And God called to mind Noah, and all of the wild beasts, and all of the cattle, and all of the winged creatures, and all of the crawling things, as much as was with him in the ark. And God brought a wind upon the earth, and the water abated.

8:2And were revealed the springs of the abyss and the torrents of the heaven. And the rain was constrained from the heaven.

8:3And the water gave way going from the earth; and the water was lessened after fifty and a hundred days.

8:4And the ark settled in the seventh month, the seventh and twentieth of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

8:5And the water going forth lessened unto the tenth month. In the first of the month, the heads of the mountains appeared.

8:6And it came to pass after forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark which he made. And he sent forth the crow to see if the water abated.

8:7And going forth it returned not until the drying of the water from the earth.

8:8And he sent the dove after it to see if the water abated from the earth.

8:9And the dove no finding rest for her feet, returned to him into the ark, for water was upon all the face of the earth. And stretching out the hand, he took her to himself, and he brought her into the ark.

8:10And waiting still another seven days, again he sent out the dove from the ark.

8:11And the dove returned to him; and she had a twig of an olive leaf in her mouth; and Noah knew that the water abated from the earth.

8:12And waiting still another seven days; again he sent out the dove; and she proceeded not to return to him again.

8:13And it came to pass in the one and six hundredth year in the life of Noah, the first month, day one of the month, the water subsided from the earth. And Noah uncovered the roof of the ark which he made. And he beheld that the water subsided from the face of the earth.

8:14And in the second month, seventh and twentieth of the month, the earth was dried.

8:15And the lord God said to Noah, saying,

8:16Come forth from out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons, and the wives of your sons with you!

8:17And all flesh from winged creatures unto cattle, and every reptile moving upon the earth, lead out with yourself! And grow and multiply upon the earth!

8:18And Noah came forth, and his wife, and his sons, and the wives of his sons with him.

8:19And all the wild beasts, and all the cattle, and every winged creature, and every reptile moving upon the earth, according to their type, came forth from the ark.

8:20And Noah built an altar to the lord. And he took from all the clean cattle, and from all the clean winged creatures, and offered them for a whole burnt-offering upon the altar.

8:21And the lord smelled the scent of pleasant aroma. And the lord God said, In considering, I will not add yet to curse the earth on account of the works of men, for the thought of man clings upon the wicked things from his youth. I will not add then still to strike all living flesh as I did.

8:22All the days of the earth, seed and harvest, chilliness and sweltering heat, summer and spring, day and night, will not be caused to cease.