The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Zechariah 11

11:1Open wide, O Lebanon, your doors, and let fire devour your cedars!

11:2Let the pine shriek! because the cedar has fallen, for great ones were in misery. Shriek, O oaks of Bashan! for the planted groves were torn down.

11:3A sound of wailing of shepherds, for their greatness languishes. A sound of roaring lions, for the neighing of the Jordan languishes.

11:4Thus says the lord almighty, Tend the sheep of the slaughter,

11:5which the ones acquiring butcher, and are repenting not. And the ones selling them said, Blessed be the lord, we were enriched. And their shepherds suffered not anything for them.

11:6On account of this, I will not spare any longer over the ones inhabiting the land, says the lord. And behold, I deliver up the men, each into the hand of his neighbor, and into the hand of his king; and they shall cut in pieces the land, and in no way should I rescue from out of their hand.

11:7And I will tend the sheep of the slaughter in the land of the Canaanites. And I will take for myself two rods; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called, A piece of measured out land; and I will tend the sheep.

11:8And I will lift away the three shepherds in one month; and my soul shall be weighed down over them, for their souls roared against me.

11:9And I said, I will not tend you. The dying, let it die! And the failing, let it fail! and the rest, let them each eat the flesh of his neighbor!

11:10And I will take my rod, Beauty, and I will throw it away to efface my covenant which I ordained with all the peoples.

11:11And it shall be effaced in that day. And the Canaanites shall know the sheep being guarded for me, that it is the word of the lord.

11:12And I will say to them, if it is good before you, give my wage, or forbid it! And they established my wage -- thirty pieces of silver.

11:13And the lord said to me, Lower them into the foundry furnace! and to look about if it is unadulterated! in which manner I was proved for them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and I put them into the house of the lord, into the foundry furnace.

11:14And I threw away my rod, the second, A Piece of Measured out Land -- to efface the taking possession the thing between Judah and between Israel.

11:15And the lord said to me, Yet take to yourself the equipment of a shepherd -- an inexperienced shepherd!

11:16For behold, I shall arouse a shepherd against the land, one who in no way shall visit the one faltering; and in no way shall he seek the one being dispersed; and in no way shall he heal the one being broken; and in no way shall he conduct the whole. And of the choice meats he shall devour, and he shall distort their vertebrae.

11:17O the ones tending the vain things, and leaving behind the sheep; a sword shall be against his arm, and against his right eye. His arm withering shall be withered, and his right eye by blinding shall be blinded.