The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 77

To the director; for Jeduthun; a psalm to Asaph.

77:1With my voice I cried out to the lord; my voice to God; and he heeded me.

77:2In the day of my affliction I inquired of God. By night my hands were before him, and I was not deceived. My soul refused to be comforted.

77:3I remembered God and was glad. I meditated and my spirit was faint-hearted. PAUSE.

77:4My eyes first took watches; I was disturbed and I did not speak.

77:5I reasoned about ancient days; and I remembered everlasting years.

77:6And I meditated; I conversed by night with my heart, and my spirit tilled.

77:7Shall the lord thrust me away into the eons? And will he proceed to not think well of me any more?

77:8Or, will he cut off his mercy at the end? Did he finish entirely his discourse from generation to generations?

77:9Shall God forget to pity, or hold up his compassions in his anger? PAUSE.

77:10And I said, now I began. This is the change of the right hand of the highest.

77:11I remembered the works of the lord. For I shall remember your wonders from the beginning,

77:12and I shall meditate on all your works; even in your practices I will meditate.

77:13O God, your way is in the holy place. What God is great as our God?

77:14You are God, the one doing wonders. You made known among the peoples your power.

77:15You ransomed your people by your arm, the sons of Jacob and Joseph.

77:16The waters beheld you, O God, the waters beheld you and feared; the abysses were disturbed.

77:17There was a multitude of noises of waters; the clouds gave out a sound; for also your arrows travel abroad.

77:18The sound of your thunder in the wheel; your lightnings appeared to the inhabitable world; the earth was shaken and trembling took place.

77:19Your ways are in the sea, and your roads are in many waters, and your footsteps shall not be known.

77:20You guided your people as sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.