The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 90

A prayer by Moses the man of God.

90:1O lord, you became a refuge for us unto generation and generation.

90:2Before the mountains existed, and the earth and inhabitable world took shape; even from eon and until the eon you are.

90:3You should not return man unto humiliation, whereas you said, Return, O sons of men!

90:4For a thousand years in your eyes, O lord, are as day -- yesterday which went, and is as a watch in the night.

90:5Years shall be their contempt; may it go by the morning as tender shoots;

90:6blooming in the morning, and may it go by; in the evening it shall fall away, may it be hardened and dried up.

90:7For we faltered in your anger, and in your rage we were disturbed.

90:8You put our lawlessness before you; our eon in the illumination of your face.

90:9For all our days failed; even in your anger we failed. Our years are as of a spider meditating.

90:10The days of our years among them are seventy years; but if by commands -- eighty years, but much of them toil and misery; for mellowing comes upon us, and we shall be corrected.

90:11Who knows the power of your anger? and how to count out his days because of the fear of your rage?

90:12So make known to me your right hand! and the ones being corrected in the heart by wisdom.

90:13Return, O lord! For how long? and give comfort unto your servants!

90:14We were filled up in the morning with your mercy, O lord, and we exulted and were glad in all our days.

90:15We were gladdened because of the days you humbled us; years which we beheld bad things.

90:16And look upon your servants, and upon your works, and guide their sons!

90:17And let the brightness of the lord our God be upon us! And prosper for us the works of our hands -- yes, prosper the work of our hands!