The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 37

37:1And it came to pass in king Hezekiah hearing, that he split his garments, and put on sackcloth, and ascended unto the house of the lord.

37:2And he sent Eliakim the manager, and Shebna the scribe (with the elders of the priests putting on sackcloths) to Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet.

37:3And they said to him, Thus says Hezekiah, A day of affliction, and scorning, and rebuke, and anger is today's day. For the pangs of giving birth come, but she does not have strength to give birth.

37:4If by any means the lord your God may listen to the words of Rabshakeh, whom his master the king of the Assyrians sent to berate the living God, and to berate by the words which the lord your God heard, therefore you shall make beseechment to the lord your God concerning these being left.

37:5And the servants of king Hezekiah came to Isaiah.

37:6And Isaiah said to them, Thus you shall say to your master, Thus says the lord, You should not be fearful of the words which you heard, which the ambassadors of the king of the Assyrians berated me.

37:7Behold, I shall put upon him a spirit, and hearing a message he shall return unto his place, and he shall fall by the sword in his land.

37:8And Rabshakeh returned, and overtook the king of the Assyrians while assaulting Libna, for he heard that he departed from Lachish.

37:9And there came forth Tirhakah king of the Ethiopians to assault him; and hearing he returned and sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying,

37:10Thus you shall say to Hezekiah king of Judea, Let not your God deceive you! upon whom you rely upon him, saying, In no way shall Jerusalem be delivered up into the hand of the king of the Assyrians.

37:11Behold, have you not heard what the kings of the Assyrians did, how they destroyed the whole earth? and shall you be rescued?

37:12Have the gods of the nations rescued them whom my fathers destroyed, both Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, which are in the place of Telassar?

37:13Where are the kings of Hamath? and where is Arphad? and where is the city Sepharvaim, Henah and Ivah?

37:14And Hezekiah took the scroll from the messengers, and read it. And he ascended into the house of the lord, and opened it before the lord.

37:15And Hezekiah prayed to the lord, saying,

37:16O lord of Hosts, God of Israel, the one sitting upon the cherubim. You are God alone of every kingdom of the world. You made the heaven and the earth.

37:17Lean, O lord, your ear! Hearken, O lord! Open, O lord, your eyes! Look in, O lord, and know and hear all the words of Sennacherib! which he sent to berate the living God.

37:18For in truth, O lord, the kings of the Assyrians made desolate the entire inhabitable world, and their region.

37:19And they raised their idols unto the fire, for they were not gods, but works of the hands of men, wood and stones -- and they destroyed them.

37:20But now, O lord our God, deliver us from out of his hand! that every kingdom of the earth should know that you are God alone.

37:21And Isaiah son of Amoz was sent to Hezekiah. And he said to him, Thus says the lord God of Israel, I heard what you prayed to me concerning Sennacherib king of the Assyrians.

37:22This is the word which God spoke concerning him; The virgin daughter of Zion treated you as worthless and sneered at you; the daughter of Jerusalem shook her head against you.

37:23Whom did you berate and provoke? or, to whom did you raise up high your voice and lift your eyes unto the height against the holy one of Israel?

37:24For through messengers you berated the lord. For you said, With the multitude of chariots I shall ascend unto the height of mountains, and into the ends of Lebanon; and I felled the height of its cedar, and the beauty of the cypress; and I entered unto the height of the portion of the forest;

37:25and I made a dam, and made desolate the waters and every gathering of water.

37:26Have you not heard these things which I did earlier? From ancient days I ordered it. But now I displayed to make nations in fortified places desolate, and the ones living in fortified cities.

37:27I weakened the hands, and they were dried up; and they became as dry grass upon the roofs, and as wild grass.

37:28But now I know your rest and your exit and your entrance,

37:29and your rage which you were enraged. And your bitterness ascended to me. And I will put a rein into your nose, and a bit into your lips, and I will return you in the way in which you came by it.

37:30And this is the sign to you, Eat this year what you have sown; and the second year the vestige left; and the third year, sow, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat of their fruit!

37:31And they shall be the ones being left behind in Judea. They shall germinate a root below, and they shall produce grain upward.

37:32For from out of Jerusalem shall come forth the ones surviving, and the ones being preserved from out of mount Zion. The zeal of the lord of Hosts shall do these things.

37:33Therefore thus says the lord concerning the king of the Assyrians, In no way shall he enter into this city, nor throw an arrow against it, nor shall he put a shield against it, nor shall he encircle a siege mound against it.

37:34But in the way in which he came by it, he shall return; and in no way shall he enter into this city. Thus says the lord.

37:35I will shield over this city to deliver it, because of myself and because of David my servant.

37:36And an angel of the lord came forth, and he did away with the camp of the Assyrians -- a hundred eighty-five thousand. And rising up in the morning he found all the dead bodies.

37:37And he went forth returning. And Sennacherib king of the Assyrians returned, and lived in Nineveh.

37:38And while he did obeisance in the house of Nisroch his god, Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons struck him with swords; and they came through safe into Armenia. And Esar-haddon his son took reign instead of him.