The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 147


147:1Praise the lord, for a psalm is good! may praise be delicious to our God.

147:2The lord is building Jerusalem; the dispersions of Israel he shall assemble;

147:3the one healing the ones broken in heart; and the one binding their ones being broken;

147:4the one counting the multitude of stars; and calling to all them by names.

147:5Great is our Lord, and great is his strength; and there is no number of his understanding.

147:6The one taking up the gentle ones is the lord; but humbling sinners onto the ground.

147:7Take the lead to the lord in acknowledgment! Strum to our God with a harp!

147:8to the one covering the heaven with clouds; to the one preparing rain for the earth; to the one causing grass to rise up on mountains, and tender shoots for the service of men;

147:9giving to the cattle their nourishment, and to the young of the crows -- to the ones calling upon him.

147:10Not by the might of the horse does he want; nor by the lower legs of a man does he think well of.

147:11The lord thinks well in the ones fearing him, and in the ones hoping upon his mercy.

147:12Applaud, O Jerusalem, the lord! Praise your God, O Zion!

147:13For he strengthened the bars of your gates; he blessed your sons by you.

147:14The one putting your borders at peace; and with fatness of wheat filling you up.

147:15The one sending his oracle to the earth; quickly his word shall run;

147:16yielding up his snow as wool; strewing fog as ashes;

147:17throwing his ice as morsels. Before the presence of his chilliness who shall stand?

147:18He shall send out his word, and melt them. He shall breathe his breath and waters shall flow.

147:19The one reporting his oracle to Jacob; his ordinances and judgments to Israel.

147:20He did not do thus to every nation, and his judgments he manifested not to them.