The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 8

8:1Into their bosom as land, as an eagle against the house of the lord, because they violated my covenant, and against my law they were impious.

8:2For me they shall cry out, O God, we have known you.

8:3For Israel threw away good things; they pursued an enemy.

8:4For themselves they made one to reign, and not through me. They ruled, and they did not make it known to me. With their silver and their gold they made to themselves idols, so that they should be utterly destroyed.

8:5Cast off your calf, O Samaria! My rage is provoked against them. For how long will they in no way be able to cleanse themselves in Israel?

8:6And the fabricator made it, and it is not God. Because your calf was wandering you, O Samaria.

8:7For being destroyed by the wind they sowed, and their final end looks out for them; a sheaf not having strength to produce flour; and if even it should produce, strangers shall devour it.

8:8Israel was swallowed down; now it became among the nations as a useless item.

8:9For they ascended unto Assyria; Ephraim flourished again according to himself; he loved bribes.

8:10On account of this they shall be delivered up among the nations; now I will take them, and they shall abate a little to anoint a king and rulers.

8:11For Ephraim multiplied altars; for his beloved altars became sins to him.

8:12I will write extra to him; his laws were considered as strange things, the beloved altars.

8:13For if they should sacrifice a sacrifice, and should eat meats, the lord shall not favorably receive them. Now he will remember their iniquities, and he shall avenge their sins. They returned unto Egypt.

8:14And Israel forgot the one making him. And they built sacred precincts, and Judah multiplied cities being walled up. And I will send out fire unto his cities, and it shall devour his foundations.