The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 5

5:1And you, O son of man, take to yourself a sharp broadsword for a razor of a barber! You shall acquire it to yourself, and you shall bring it upon your head, and upon your beard. And you shall take a yoke balance scale of weights, and you shall part them.

5:2A fourth part you shall kindle in fire in the middle of the city, according to the fullness of the days of the siege. And you shall take a fourth part and shall incinerate it in the midst of it. and a fourth part you shall cut in pieces with the broadsword round about it. And a fourth part you shall disperse to the wind; for I shall empty out a sword after them.

5:3And you shall take from there a few in number, and shall wrap them in your wrapping.

5:4And from out of these you shall take still more, and shall toss them into the midst of the fire, and shall incinerate them by fire; and fire shall come forth from it, and you shall say to all the house of Israel,

5:5Thus says Adonai the lord; This is Jerusalem; I have placed her in the midst of the nations, and the ones round about her place.

5:6And you shall tell of my ordinances to the lawless one of the nations, and my laws to the lawless of the places round about her; because they thrust away my ordinances, and in my laws they did not go by them.

5:7On account of this, thus says Adonai the lord; Because your opportunity for lawlessness is from the nations round about you, and in my laws you did not go, and my ordinances you did not observe, but not even according to the ordinances of the nations round about you did you observe;

5:8on account of this, Thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I am against you, and I shall execute judgment in the midst of you before the nations.

5:9And I shall do among you what I have not done, and I shall not do likened to them again against all your abominations.

5:10On account of this, fathers shall eat the children in your midst, and children shall eat fathers. And I shall execute judgments among you; and I shall scatter all the rest of you unto every wind.

5:11On account of this, as I live, says Adonai the lord; Assuredly, because you defiled my holy things in all your loathsome things, and in all your abominations, I also thrust you away; my eye will not spare, and I shall not show mercy.

5:12The fourth part of you shall be consumed by plague; and a fourth part of you shall be finished off by famine in your midst; and a fourth part of you will be dispersed unto every wind; and a fourth part of you shall fall by the broadsword round about you; and a sword I shall empty out after them.

5:13And my rage shall be exhausted, and my anger against them. And I shall enjoin, and you shall know, because I the lord have spoken in my zeal in my exhausting my anger against them.

5:14And I shall make you into a wilderness, even your daughters round about you, in the presence of all traveling through.

5:15And you will be bemoaned and wretched among the nations round about you, in my executing among you judgments in anger and in rage, and in vengeance of rage. I the lord have spoken.

5:16In my sending the arrows of famine upon them, then they will be in want, and I shall send them to ruin you. And I shall gather famine unto you, and I shall break the reliance of your bread.

5:17And I shall send out against you famine and ferocious wild beasts, and I shall punish you; and plague and blood shall go through upon you; and a sword I shall bring upon you. I the lord have spoken.