The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 27

27:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

27:2Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say unto them, A man who ever should vow a vow for a value of his life to the lord,

27:3it will be the value of a male from twenty years unto sixty years old -- his value will be fifty double-drachmas of silver by the holy weight.

27:4And the female will be the price of thirty double-drachmas.

27:5And if from five years old unto twenty years old, the value of the male shall be twenty double-drachmas, and the female ten double-drachmas.

27:6And from a month unto five years old, the value of the male shall be five double-drachmas of silver, and the female three double-drachmas of silver.

27:7And if from sixty years old and up, if indeed it might be a male, his value shall be fifteen double-drachmas of silver; for the female ten double-drachmas.

27:8And if he might be of low estate for a value, he shall be stood before the priest, and the priest shall value him, just as the hand of the one making a vow is able to afford -- thus the priest shall value him.

27:9And if it be from the cattle of the ones being offered of them as a gift to the lord, who ever should give of these to the lord, it shall be holy.

27:10He shall not change it good for bad, nor bad for good. And if by bartering he should barter it cattle for cattle, it and the thing bartered shall be holy.

27:11And if any unclean beast, of which none are offered of them as a gift to the lord, he shall set the beast before the priest,

27:12and the priest shall value it, between good and between bad. And as far as the priest valuing it, so it will stand.

27:13And if the one ransoming should ransom it, he shall add the fifth part to the value of it.

27:14And a man, who ever should sanctify his house holy to the lord, then the priest shall value it between good and between bad; what ever the priest shall value it, so it shall stand.

27:15And if the one sanctifying it should redeem his house, he shall add unto it the fifth part of the money for the value, and it shall be his.

27:16And if a man should sanctify from the field of his possession to the lord, then the value shall be according to its sowing -- a cor of barley equals fifty double-drachmas of silver.

27:17And if from the year of the release he should sanctify his field, according to his value it shall stand.

27:18But if he should sanctify his field last after the release, the priest shall count in addition to it the money for the years remaining, until unto the next year of the release, and it shall be deducted from his valuation.

27:19And if the one sanctifying the field should ransom it, he shall add the fifth part of the money to the value of it, and it will be his.

27:20And if he should not ransom the field, and should give back the field to another man, no longer shall he ransom it.

27:21But the field coming forth from the release will be holy to the lord, as the land being separated; to the priest it will be his possession.

27:22And if from the field of which he acquired, which is not from the field of his possession, that he should sanctify to the lord,

27:23the priest shall impute to him the full value from the year of the release, and he shall render the value in that day as holy to the lord.

27:24And in the year of the release, he shall give back the field to the man from whom he acquired it, of whom was in possession of the land.

27:25And all value will be by holy weights -- twenty oboli will be the double-drachma.

27:26And every first-born which ever should be born among your cattle will be to the lord. And no one shall consecrate it. If also a calf, if also a sheep, it is to the lord.

27:27And if of the four-footed creatures of the unclean he should barter for the value of it, then he shall add his fifth part to it, and it will be his. But if he should not ransom it, it shall be sold according to its valuation.

27:28And every offering for consumption which ever a man should present to the lord of all as much as is to him, from man unto beast, and from a field of his possession, he shall not sell it, nor ransom it; every offering for consumption will be a holy of holies to the lord.

27:29And all, what ever should be presented from men, it shall not be ransomed, but to death it shall be put to death.

27:30Every tenth of the land, from the seed of the land, and from the fruit of the wood to the lord, it is holy to the lord.

27:31And if ransoming a man should ransom of his tenth, his fifth part he shall add to it, and it will be his.

27:32And every tenth of oxen, and sheep, and all which should go through in the number by the rod measure, the tenth will be holy to the lord.

27:33You shall not barter it good for bad, nor bad for good. And if in bartering you should barter it, it shall be and its barter holy, it shall not be ransomed.

27:34These are the commandments which the lord gave charge to Moses for the sons of Israel on mount Sinai.