Pharmacy vs Apothecaries: How the Sorcerers Took Over Medicine with their Snake Oils

“For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.” (Revelation 18:23) (Preface: Nothing in this article is an exaggeration or hyperbole. It is based on concrete, verifiable facts. It is not namecalling to call a pharmacist a sorcerer, it is the literal definition.) Pharmacies How pharmacies look today; pharmakeia definition What we today call pharmacies, where drugs … read more

The Truth About September 11, 2001

9/11 was orchestrated for many reasons, To collect the billions in insurance money from a policy taken out 2 months before, To steal the billions in gold that were stored under the tower, To usher in the Patriot Act to seize control of America and erode the constitution, To seize control of the oil in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, and To destroy Israel’s enemies in … read more

Weekly Fasting As Powerful For Spiritual Health As Weekly Exercise Is For Physical Health

Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning. And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Joel 2:12-13 Spiritual fasting, which is the abstaining of … read more

Modern Medicine is Literally Sorcery, and How To Find True Cures

The medical industry and their pharmaceutical drugs are age-old witchcraft, sorcery. It is no different than the witch doctors of times past; and “doctor” today has the same meaning as witch doctors. They brought their sorceries and deceived the world. Related Post: Table of Contents: Intro: Sorcery, Placebo, & Magick The Placebo Effect, Crystals, and Sorcery The Sorcery of Prognosis Eastern vs Western Sorcery Natural Cures The … read more

Christian Evangelism Illegal In Russia and Difficult In Japan

Evangelism (proselytizing – sharing the gospel) is generally banned in all Communist and Islamic countries. This is obvious, as officially Communist states are atheist, and Islamic countries are strictly Muslim. However, lesser-known is that although Christianity is fully legal in both Russia and Japan and protected by laws on freedom of religion, new laws in recent years have made it illegal in Russia for Christians to share … read more

World Atheism Composes Only 1.8% of the World’s Population Outside China

It is often touted that Atheism comprises a major percentage of the world’s population, but this is deceptive. The number of claimed atheists in the world is 1.19 billion, but 1.07 billion of these are in China, where Atheism has been enforced by law since the Cultural Revolution (massacre of 50+ million Chinese by Yale-educated Mao Zedong). The organs are harvested while alive of those arrested for … read more

What is Judaism, and is it Compatible with Christianity?

Preface: First of all, let me make a few things clear about who I am so you know that this article is factual and unbiased. I am not a member nor associated with any groups. I am not a white supremacist nor an Israeli. I am a Christian and a follower of the true Word of God, the Bible (Old and New Testaments), and a devout believer … read more

How Feminism Causes Dygenics And A Less Intelligent Population

Feminism causes dysgenics. That is, it degrades biology and causes lower quality genetics over generations. Men are good at choosing spouses that encourage a good gene pool. Men choose young and healthy women, and are designed to have a natural intuition to reject less fertile women and women that would make bad wives and mothers. Women have children younger in a traditional society. Younger mothers have been … read more

Are All Foods Now Clean? Does The Bible Really Say That?

Leviticus Chapter 11 is nearly a full chapter dedicated to declaring which foods are clean and which foods are forbidden to be eaten by God’s people. But is this still valid or has it been done away with? Are all foods really clean now or are some foods still forbidden by God? It has long been a contention that anyone who says to follow “the law” is … read more

Wireless Radiation Linked To Every Significant Viral Event

For lack of space, we will not discuss every significant viral event. Instead, we will discuss the 3 most significant “viral” events of the last century: the “Spanish Flu” of 1918-1919, the first discovery of a “Coronavirus” in humans in 1965, and “Covid-19” in 2019. The two most significant flu-like events of the 1900s directly linked to EMF radiation 1. First, let’s look at the “Spanish Flu” … read more