Are Guns Really Dangerous For Children? The Official Child Deaths Data From The CDC Disagrees

The false President was on record reading his teleprompter that gun-related deaths were the leading cause of death in children. But is it true? Here are the hard facts and data. The claim: The claim is that “children” aged 0-19 die from more gun-related deaths than any other cause. The first problem with this claim is the definition of “children” to include adolescents and young adults ages … read more

Communist Kabbalism Killed Over 200 Million, and America & Europe Are Next

In the 1950s, China was a normal country with a rich heritage and tremendous history. It wasn’t all good, but they were a normal people, for it wasn’t Communist yet. Then Mao Zedong attained power. What followed is called “Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution”. In only 4 years from 1958 to 1962, Zedong genocided 45 million people on ideological grounds. By the time the dust settled, over 65 … read more