What Are the Consequences Of Embracing Or Denying The Doctrine of “Unconditional Grace”? (Unconditional Grace Matrix Included)

Perhaps you are a vehement proponent of the Calvinistic doctrine of Unconditional Grace. The idea that as long as one time in your life you said some words and meant it, that now you are saved and are going to heaven no matter what you do here on Earth. Even ignoring the fact that even requiring you to accept it makes it “conditional” (acceptance is a condition), … read more

What Really Sets Christianity Apart From All Other Religions? Is It Trinity Doctrine? Jesus? Something Else?

I recently heard a Christian teacher say that the trinity doctrine was the one thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions. In teaching in such a way, teachers like this set the trinity doctrine as a fundamental basis for Christianity – essentially saying that whoever does not accept the trinity doctrine is not a Christian. But is this true? To understand whether or not this … read more

The State Of Depravity In The Year 2043 | This Liberal Dystopia Might Be Closer Than You Think | Virtual Reality, Liberalization, Surveillance

The year is 2043. Flying cars and teleportation are still in the distant future, but there is a new political ideology hitting the streets by storm. Multiple major cities break out in protest and people rest uneasy as fear of the crowds turning to riot is ever-looming overhead. Ever since the courts overturned Harriet vs Fido and made a firm stance on anti-bestiality laws, liberals have been … read more