Flat Earth “Proofs” Are Hearsay And Incorrect, And Lack Substance

This article is not to criticize those who believe in Flat Earth, but rather to shed light on the flat-earth deceivers who are fooling many with their fallacious arguments and leaps in logic. Thousands of people are believing videos from the Flat Earth Society which are making huge leaps in logic and with some arguments which are patently false. Let me begin by saying that we have … read more

Poker Is Satan’s Favorite Card Game | The Deception Of Gambling With Cards

“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.” (Proverbs 13:11) Christians should not gamble, and poker is no exception. But even though many Christians will not gamble, or might play with chips, and never go to casinos, they might see no harm in it, it’s just a simple card game, after all. Right? When it comes to poker, it’s quite … read more

Thanksgiving Is Not Just An American Holiday, And It’s Not About Turkeys

The American holiday of Thanksgiving is usually credited as beginning with a 1621 harvest feast shared between Puritan English colonists and the Wampanoag Indians. A time where the kind Christians got along with the generous Indians and everyone lived happily ever after. However, it isn’t quite true. While there was such a festival in 1621, the tradition goes all the way back to Henry the 8th, when … read more

The Origins Of The Hexagram And Its Uses Through The Ages

Here is a hexagram, a symbol used in pagan and satanic religions throughout history, including the star of Saturn, the star of Remphan, Buddhism, Hindu, satanism (druids, witches, etc), and many more. The Hexagram In Various Pagan Cultures Through The Ages This is a very historical symbol that may well be the one unifying symbol to all of the satanic pagan religions throughout human history since the … read more

Babylon The Great Has Fallen, The Balkanization Of America Is Coming

After NY, PA, AZ and others called a victory for literally braindead disabled people that are unable to speak, even after a red wave like never before, it’s safe to say that the electoral system, and hence the system of government in America, is irreparably broken beyond repair. Even to the most hopeful who really don’t want to have to inconvenience their way of life by doing … read more