Honoring The Sabbath Isn’t About Strict Rules, It’s A Wonderful Gift From God

Jesus and his disciples were hungry one day on the Sabbath (Saturday), and they went about, as was customary, plucking ears of corn to eat them (Matthew 12:1). It was a normal tradition to do this, especially for the poor. The grain (corn as a grain) fields were available for people to go in and take some to eat if they were hungry. However, the Pharisees, as … read more

America Is Under God’s Judgment, and the Church (and Christians) Are To Blame

Church is not the building. What has your church done for the poor, needy, broken, hurting, homeless today? What do they do every single day? Is it enough? With the hundreds of thousands to million-dollar budgets that churches receive per month, what proportion goes to the community? What proportion goes to pay church salaries and rent for church buildings? There is no need for the church to … read more