I have a theory that has persisted in my mind over the past week or so relating to a potential spiritual significance regarding the population control agenda that is being pushed by global elites both publicly and in secret.
If someone else has put together the same dots, I haven’t heard of it. But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. First, some background.
If you weren’t aware, there has been a debate going on for decades about world “overpopulation”. Communists have outright stated that they believe that the world’s population needs to be culled – by any means necessary – in order to permit the survival of our species and the world.
Briefly, all their basis for so-called “overpopulation” is based purely on fallacy and unfounded premises. While it is true that some major cities and megacities have an overcrowding issue, this has absolutely nothing to do with overpopulation.
For anyone who has driven through the vast plains of northwest Texas with completely empty yet healthy land for hours and hours and hours, or the vast uninhabited forests of the northwest USA, or even Vermont of which the whole state is mostly forest, they could easily realize the inherent fallacies regarding the “overpopulation” myth.
So-called “scientists” who studied population issues have said that there wasn’t enough food in the world to feed everyone; but the reality is not only false, it has already been disproven. They said the human race should effectively be extinct by now but alas – here we are, and there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone in the world.
Wealth hoarding where some people have too much and others are starving, is not a population issue or a food source issue – it is a distribution issue. There is far more than enough food to go around for everyone. In fact, currently the world produces enough food for 10 billion people, despite having only a 7 billion population. Abundance of food relative to the population is not an issue; and according to the classical economists, it will never be an issue, for the quantity of food rises to meet the population as a natural function of economics in a natural system.
But without getting into this too far, because there are plenty of articles and videos which go into it very well already, let me express the theory I have regarding the potential spiritual significance of the idea of “overpopulation”, and the possible demonic motivations behind the people who are attempting to limit the world’s population of people.
If you want to read more about the overpopulation myth, which is beyond the scope of this article, check out this article which described the truth quite plainly: Debunking the Myth of Overpopulation
My theory begins as follows. According to the Bible, there were “hundreds of millions” of angels in heaven. The difficulty with my theory is that the Bible is not very clear on the exact range of the number of angels. In order to determine if my theory is correct, or if it could possibly be correct, we would need to number the amount of angels in heaven, and then determine the number of demons, or fallen angels.
Estimates that place the number of angels in the “hundreds of millions” is based off Revelation 5:11 which says,
“Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.”
This would mean hundreds of millions of angels that were not fallen are in heaven, if one assumes that most or all of the angels were seen and numbered by John in his dream of Revelations. If it is true that “hundreds of millions”, which is a rough estimate and could mean perhaps around 100 million angels or possibly up to 999 million angels in heaven at the time (ten thousand times ten thousand is 100 million), then we can extrapolate the number of demons that fell from heaven.
Many theologians believe that one third of the angels in heaven followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God, ultimately getting cast out and becoming what we now know as demons. While the Bible never explicitly states the “one-third” number, many theologians believe that Revelation 12:3-4 implies this number, where it says,
” 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.”
Theologians believe that the “third of the stars” implies a third of the angels in heaven, since the red dragon is believed to be Lucifer (or what we know as the devil), clearly a metaphor. Much of Revelation is a metaphor. This is not my interpretation, but that of many theologians.
If this is correct and one-third of the angels in heaven were cast out, and there were 100 million non-fallen angels in heaven, then this would imply that there were 50 million angels who rebelled and were cast out, so 50 million demons. If the number was 200 million total, then 100 million fell, and if the number was 300 million total then it would be 150 million, and so on and so forth until 999,999,999 in which there would have been 500 million fallen angels.
Before I get into the theory, let me give a different number based on an alternative way of numbering the angels and demons that another person came up with. In hinduism, they have false gods called “devatas and devees”. It is probable that these are really demons, if not merely a complete myth and fiction.
It is believed in hinduism that there are a total number of 333,333,333 devatas and devees. If devatas and devees are really demons, and if possibly these are the total number of demons, then the number of demons are around 333 million. Interestingly, this theory, found here, holds true to the biblical estimate of the number of demons.
So let’s say there are around 333 million demons who fell from heaven. If this is true, which again it might not be because the Bible is never clear about the number of angels God created, only that they are “innumerable” (Hebrews 12:22), then we have a number of demons that we can now apply my theory to.
So here is my theory. If there are 333 million demons in the world, the number of fallen angels who roam the Earth, then it would be in the best interest of these demons to limit the number of people on the Earth to a manageable number. In the past few decades, since 1960, there has been a massive spike in the world’s population. See this chart:
As you can see above, there was only around 3 billion people in the world by 1960, and before that the history of the world’s population growth was a steady, slight gradient. However, upon around 1960, there was a world population explosion. Moreover, in 1900, the world’s population was only around 1.65 billion.
Unlike God, demons and angels are not omnipresent. They can only be in one place at one time. We know this to be true because when Jesus cast out the demons “Legion” from the possessed man, they asked to be sent somewhere else (Matthew 8:28-34). Demons can only be in one place at one time.
Since demons can only be in one place at one time, then the greater the world’s population becomes, the more people slip through the influence of demonic powers.
While a demon may be assigned to a small group of people, there are only so many people they can control, tempt, or influence, from a logical perspective. If the number of demons number around 333 million, then this would mean that around 1900 when the world’s population was around 1.65 billion, then each demon would be assigned to 5 people.
5 people is manageable, from the demon’s perspective. However, by 1960 with a world’s population of around 3 billion, each demon would have to be assigned to 9 people to span the whole world. Now it was beginning to stretch thin. However, 9 is still relatively manageable.
However, after 1960, the numbers each demon would have to each be assigned to began to increase drastically. Only 20 years later in 1980, the world’s population had increased by another 1.4 billion, for a total of around 4.4 billion. This would mean each demon now has to be responsible to attack about 13 people. With only 24 hours in a day, now it’s beginning to become less manageable.
By 2015 the world’s population had nearly doubled again, at 7.4 billion. That is 22 people per demon. Now it’s getting a little crazy, the demons can only mess with, tempt, trick, deceive, hurt, and cause trouble to each person on Earth a little over 1 hour per day.
By 2060, with an estimated 10.2 billion people on Earth, it would mean each demon has 30 people assigned to them. Now that means that the demons can only mess with every person on Earth for only 48 minutes per day – less than an hour a day (on average – in reality I believe that demons probably attack the more important people, like pastors and ministers and devout Christians more strongly and frequently).
As you can see, the math adds up. If the number of demons on Earth is correct, then it would mean that the demons have a vested interest in keeping the world’s population as small as possible and stopping the world’ population from growing too much. Unlike people, demons cannot procreate, so no matter how many humans there are, there will always be a finite number of demons.

The least terrifying relevant illustration I could find
We can further test this theory by looking back to when the idea of “overpopulation” was first forced into ideology. Without doing extensive research, it would be difficult to determine the very first instances of “population ethics”, or the fallacy of overpopulation; but some quick research shows us that some people misinterpreted economist Thomas Malthus’ writings to imply a potential overpopulation issue as early as 1834 with the English Poor Laws (Claeys, 2002, p. 223–240).
Therefore, we know that at least overpopulation started being thought of around the early 1800s. According to the chart showed earlier, this is approximately around the time the world’s population became 1 billion.
Thinking logically from a spiritual perspective, if the number of demons is really around 333 million, then it would mean that at this time, each demon would be assigned to 3 people. You could logically see that getting to 3 people per demon is starting to put a damper in the demons’ plans for disrupting humanity and driving people away from God. At that point, now each demon only had 8 hours per person to mess with them, and this was making it harder and harder.
You have to consider that the demons are smart enough to be aware of mathematical concepts, and, being around for longer than the creation of the world since God created them (Job 38:4-7), they have had thousands of years to learn mathematical concepts as they watched humans work out mathematical problems for them.
It must be logically considered that it is likely that demons were able to extrapolate that as humanity’s population continued to multiply, messing with humanity would become an increasingly more difficult job as their numbers are stretched thin. Therefore, it is logical that demons had a certain and absolute reason for wanting to cull the world’s population, so that they could try to prevent as many humans as possible from getting to heaven.
Of course, my theory is contingent on the number of demons in the world. If it is true that there are only 333 million demons, then all this makes logical sense. Even if there were a billion demons in the world, the logic still adds up. Even then, it might not be the case, but it does make a lot of sense; and if it is true, then it really sheds light onto the true origins, demonic origins, of the scientifically baseless “overpopulation” agenda and subsequent population control agendas.
Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels. Bible.org. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://bible.org/article/angelology-doctrine-angels
Claeys, G. (2002). The “Survival of the Fittest” and the Origins of Social Darwinism. Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 61, No. 2. p. 223–240.
Human Overpopulation (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_overpopulation
Morse, A. R. & Mosher, S. W. (2013, October 1). Debunking the Myth of Overpopulation. Pop.org. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.pop.org/debunking-the-myth-of-overpopulation
Rosenberg, M. (2017, March 3). Current World Population: Current World Population and World Population Growth Since the Year One. ThoughtCo. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.thoughtco.com/current-world-population-1435270
Roser, M. & Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2017). World Population Growth. OurWorldInData.org. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growth/