I stumbled upon a book by the name of “The Lost Elements: The Periodic Table’s Shadow Side”, by Marco Fontani, Costa, & Orna. Upon reading this interesting book I came to the discovery of more hidden truths, that indicate the likelihood that the realm of chemistry, too, is not as scientific as it seems.
In fact, the inventor of the modern naming system of the Periodic Table (such as H for Helium, O for Oxygen, Au for Gold, and Na for Sodium), himself discovered a previously unknown element, that unfortunately was lost when he died shortly after, allegedly by poisoning by his own chemical, or could it have been murder? One can only speculate.
Yet, there are a great number of so-called “lost elements”, which have been discovered; but due to lack of research, conspiracies, greed, or other reasons, have not been placed in the periodic tables.

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Modern Alchemy, Radiochemistry, and Radioactivity
The transmutation of elements, which is the changing of one to another (like the mythical lead into gold) may indeed be possible – although perhaps not gold from lead. A radiochemist by the name of Kasimir Fajans (1887–1975), along with Alexander S. Russell (1888–1972) independently, discovered a new element called Brevium in 1912, which was a missing element in the periodic table resulting from the transmutation of another radioactive element into a newly proposed one. This stemmed from a theory that transmutation could occur from radioactive isotopes, and this is the research that led to the development of the atomic bomb.
While Ernest Rutherford famously stated, “Don’t call it transmutation. They’ll cut off our heads as if we were alchemists!”, the fact remains that transmutation, that is, alchemy, does supposedly exist, although apart from the supernatural mysticism of the classical alchemists. We know now (allegedly) that some molecules can degrade and be transmuted into other elements, and we exploit this in hydrogen bombs. Allegedly. Fajans wrote the formula for the first radioactive cascades in the uranium-238 decay chain from uranium to thorium at that time.
Due to the nature of what radioactivity is, one could say that the entire field of radioactivity is indeed a work in alchemy, since the premise is the transmutation of one element into another. And one wonders if it may have some link to the mystical alchemy of times past. One may question about the legitimacy of the entire field, because much of the research is abstract, theoretical, and founded in classical theories that move into the realm of mysticism.
That is to say, that the study of radioactivity may not be a scientific field at all, but rather a dabbling in occultic mysticism, like the alchemists of ancient times. If radioactivity is actually baseless, and if atomic bombs are a fraud (being just big bombs, but not sustained splitting of atoms in a “chain reaction” as theorized – yes, it is still theory), and the so-called “science” of radioactivity is really based on occultic mysticism derived from the metaphysics and mysticism of alchemy, then it stands to reason that the entire field could really not be science at all, but a mere facade for the continuation of occultic alchemy and ancient mysticism.
Indeed, in modern studies of radiochemistry, notably, CERN with their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other particle accelerators, are famous for their satanic rituals and huge satanic shows put on especially during the initiation phases or other important phases of the project. It makes one question if the entire field is more of a spiritual alchemical discipline rather than a scientific one.

CERN’s Strange Satanic Occult Dances
Modern chemistry is elementary at best (pun intended)
Notwithstanding, the very existence of so many “missing” and “lost” elements calls into question just how far advanced we truly are in the study of matter. The Periodic Table purports that we already have a complete and total understanding of the fundamental nature of matter, but all confidence was cast aside with the advent of quantum theory. Once looking past the atomic elements and into the subatomic particles and quarks, and even farther down, one realizes that science has not even begun to scratch the surface of the nature of reality.
Yet, it is still purported that, aside from the admission that we do not understand the fundamental nature of matter, that we supposedly do understand the physical nature, at least as far as the composition at the level of atoms – but this is far from the truth. As so many “lost” elements exist and have been discovered yet have not made it into our table, it is apparent that we do not have a fundamental understanding of the nature of matter, nor a comprehensive understanding of chemistry. Indeed, new chemicals are continually invented with unknown effects, and new elements have been uncovered on many occasions.
Among the “lost” elements include: Terra Nobilis, Siderum and Hydrosiderum, Sydneium or Australium, Metallum Problematicum or Tellurium, Austrium, Ochroite or Cerium, Ceresium or Palladium, Erythronium, Panchromium or Vanadium, Celticum, Brevium, Alkalinium, Lisonium, and Lisottonium, Hibernium, Cyclonium, Masurium, Silene, Aridium, Saturnum, Pelopium, Dianium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Phtore, Niccolanum, Crodonium, Wodanium, Ptene, Donarium, Gahnium, Polinium, and Pluranium, Aberdonia, Donium, Treenium, Thalium, Comesium, Ouralium, Idunium, Sulphurium and Sulfenium, and many, many more, and I only went through about half of the headlines in the book. I could sit and write them all day but you are not likely to read them all.

Today’s Periodic Table, Possibly Incorrect, & Certainly Deficient
Modern “science” barely understands anything about the building blocks of matter
There is so much content in this book, which is 573 pages long of intense reading, it could make months to get through. Nonetheless, it is evident that there is far more to the nature of chemistry, the foundation of matter, and the periodic table of elements than you would be led to believe in any modern university. Rather, these universities are predicated on the philosophy that they already know the facts, and will teach them to you.
Yet they do not. They have barely scratched the surface. Even with thousands of years of documented chemistry, and hundreds of years of modern chemistry, we are not even close to understanding the nature of matter or even the building blocks of the universe, atoms, much less the building blocks of those building blocks, the subatomic particles and quarks, and what make up the subatomic particles and quarks, and what makes up the level below it.
It seems as if, in the paraphrased words of other historical scholars, that the further you go down, the more infinitely complex everything seems to become, and the bigger and mysterious the world opens up to become. So the idea that we could possibly accurately be able to create new chemical mixtures that we can reliably know the effects and consequences thereof, when we do not even have a fundamental understanding of the building blocks of reality, or even a periodic table that is even close to complete, is so unbelievably absurd that it defies imagination.
And the farther you go into the depths of understanding about our lack of understanding about the reality we live in, the more it can only make sense that a “super-intelligence”, that is, God, is behind the creation of the universe. The complexity defies human understanding, and the more you learn, the more you become convinced that it is absolutely impossible by any measure for the universe to have simply “happened” into existence. It is too ordered, too complex, too interconnected, too grand, and too beautiful to have happened randomly. It has to have been designed by a master designer, a master architect, a master scientist, a mastermind, a super-intelligence, God.
If you’re interested in reading the book referenced, I uploaded it here for free for you so you can download it directly. The ideas proposed in this article are my ideas, not the book’s ideas; I simply learned about many lost elements and lost history from this book. I have no connection to the authors, this is a direct download of the full book:
The Lost Elements: The Periodic Table’s Shadow Side, by Marco Fontani